Guest post by Megan Beaver, M.S., CCC-SLP, in partnership with eLuma Online Therapy. No matter who we are, we have biases. This is because bias is developed through a combination of our upbringing, education, and our many experiences in the world. The way we behave at...
Category: General
April Content Update: What’s New This Month?
This month's new content features videos and activities about understanding what to share online and in person. This includes topics like cyber safety, understanding the difference between friends and acquaintances, and staying cool-headed in tricky situations. We...
Our New Normal: Simplified Social Lives
The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on most people’s social lives and created a strange new 'normal'. The thought of our pre-pandemic world has become a distant memory. Going to a party indoors? Preposterous. A concert? Unimaginable! While we are all...
Navigating IEPs: IEP Steps for Educators
Guest post by Laurel Mendoza, MA, CCC-SLP, in partnership with eLuma Online Therapy. As an educator, you’ve likely participated in an Individualized Education Program, or IEP. The IEP process plays a central role in the world of special education services. IEP steps...
Choosing the Right Everyday Speech Curriculum Track for You
Did you know there are two different Everyday Speech curriculum tracks? We offer a Social Communication Curriculum and a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum. Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) Our Social Communication Curriculum (SCC) comes with your...
Webinar: Introducing Everyday Speech for Preschool & Kindergarten
Brand new social communications and SEL curricula for preschool and kindergarten will become available starting in August 2021! If you work with pre-kindergarten or kindergarten students, our upcoming webinar is for you. Webinar: Introducing Everyday Speech for...
Forming Healthy Habits One Step at a Time
Habits, put simply, are the small decisions and actions we make repeatedly. According to researchers at Duke University, our habits account for about 40% of our behaviors on any given day. Because such a large percentage of our behaviors are out of habit, we’d venture...
Shifting Your Perspective: Why and How?
Perspective: Point of view; the way we see or perceive things. “Look on the bright side!” “Put yourself in their shoes.” “Anyway you slice it...” “The glass is half empty.” It’s likely you've heard at least one of these common English idioms before. Each of them is...
Maintaining Employee Morale: Tips for Administrators
Guest post by Laurel Mendoza, MA, CCC-SLP, in partnership with eLuma Online Therapy. People are happier when they’re recognized at work. In fact, according to a survey conducted by Bonusly and SurveyMonkey, 82% of employed Americans consider recognition an...