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Teaching Social Boundaries: Decoding the Message of ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’

Teaching Social Boundaries: Decoding the Message of ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’

Teaching Social Boundaries: Decoding the Message of ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’

As a parent or educator, teaching social boundaries is an essential part of helping children navigate the complexities of social interactions. One common phrase that encapsulates this concept is ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning behind this phrase and provide strategies for teaching social boundaries effectively.

Understanding the meaning behind ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’

Before delving into strategies for teaching social boundaries, it is important to understand the meaning behind the phrase ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’. At its core, this phrase emphasizes the importance of respecting personal space and boundaries.

Social boundaries refer to the invisible lines that define the appropriate physical and emotional distance between individuals. Respecting these boundaries is crucial for maintaining positive relationships and ensuring everyone feels safe and comfortable in social settings.

Teaching social boundaries to children

Teaching social boundaries should be approached in a developmentally appropriate manner. Different strategies can be implemented based on the age of the child.

Early childhood (preschool)

In the early childhood years, children are just beginning to understand the concept of personal space. Simple activities such as playing games that involve taking turns and sharing can help them grasp the idea of respecting boundaries. Additionally, using visual cues like tape on the floor to mark personal space can provide a concrete representation of boundaries.

Elementary school

As children enter elementary school, they have a better understanding of personal space but may still struggle with impulse control. Role-playing scenarios and discussing hypothetical situations can help them develop empathy and recognize the impact of their actions on others. Reinforcing the message of ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’ through consistent reminders and positive reinforcement is crucial during this stage.

Middle school

In middle school, children are navigating more complex social dynamics. It is important to continue reinforcing the message of respecting personal boundaries while also addressing issues such as cyberbullying and online etiquette. Engaging in open discussions about consent, privacy, and the importance of consent can help them navigate these challenges.

Role of parents and educators

Parents and educators play a vital role in teaching social boundaries to children. Modeling appropriate behavior is one of the most effective ways to instill these values in children. By demonstrating respect for personal space and boundaries in their own interactions, adults provide a powerful example for children to follow.

Consistent messaging is also crucial in reinforcing social boundaries. Using phrases like ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’ consistently and explaining the reasons behind the rule can help children internalize the importance of respecting boundaries. Creating a safe and respectful environment where children feel comfortable expressing their emotions and concerns is equally important.

Addressing challenges in teaching social boundaries

Teaching social boundaries can present challenges, especially for children who struggle with social skills or have difficulty understanding social cues. It is important to address these challenges using targeted strategies.

Lack of understanding personal space

Some children may have difficulty understanding the concept of personal space. Using visual supports such as social stories or videos that depict appropriate personal space can help them grasp this concept. Role-playing scenarios can also be effective in providing concrete examples of respecting personal boundaries.

Difficulty recognizing social cues

Recognizing social cues is a crucial skill for understanding and respecting social boundaries. Social skills training programs can help children develop these skills through explicit instruction and practice. Engaging in activities that focus on nonverbal communication, such as interpreting facial expressions and body language, can also be beneficial.

Impulsivity and self-control issues

Children with impulsivity and self-control issues may struggle with respecting boundaries due to their difficulty regulating their behavior. Collaborating with other professionals, such as occupational therapists or behavior specialists, can provide additional support and strategies for addressing these challenges. Implementing visual schedules and providing opportunities for sensory breaks can also help children develop self-regulation skills.

Promoting social-emotional development alongside social boundaries

Social boundaries are closely intertwined with social-emotional development. By teaching social boundaries, we are also fostering important social-emotional skills in children.

Building empathy and perspective-taking skills

Understanding and respecting social boundaries requires empathy and perspective-taking skills. Engaging children in activities that promote empathy, such as discussing different perspectives or engaging in acts of kindness, can help them develop these skills alongside an understanding of social boundaries.

Developing self-awareness and self-regulation

Respecting social boundaries also requires self-awareness and self-regulation. Teaching children to recognize their own emotions and understand how their actions impact others can help them develop these skills. Implementing mindfulness exercises and teaching strategies for self-calming can also support self-regulation.

Fostering positive relationships and communication

Respecting social boundaries is essential for building positive relationships and effective communication. Teaching children active listening skills, conflict resolution strategies, and assertiveness can help them navigate social interactions while respecting boundaries.


Teaching social boundaries is a crucial aspect of social-emotional learning. By understanding the meaning behind phrases like ‘Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourself’ and implementing age-appropriate strategies, parents and educators can help children develop the skills necessary for respectful and positive social interactions.

Remember, teaching social boundaries is an ongoing process that requires ongoing support and reinforcement. By consistently modeling appropriate behavior, reinforcing boundaries through consistent messaging, and creating a safe and respectful environment, we can empower children to navigate social interactions with confidence and empathy.

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