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Practical Interview Games for High School Students: A Guide

Practical Interview Games for High School Students: A Guide

Practical Interview Games for High School Students: A Guide


Social emotional learning (SEL) plays a crucial role in the development of high school students. It equips them with the necessary skills to navigate the challenges of adolescence and prepares them for success in their personal and professional lives. One effective way to promote SEL is through practical interview games. These games not only enhance communication skills but also develop critical thinking abilities, boost self-confidence and self-awareness, and promote active listening and empathy. In this guide, we will explore different types of interview games for high school students and provide tips for conducting them effectively.

Benefits of Interview Games for High School Students

Enhances communication skills:

Interview games provide students with opportunities to practice effective communication. By engaging in role-playing interviews, students learn how to articulate their thoughts clearly, ask relevant questions, and respond appropriately. These skills are essential for successful interpersonal relationships and future job interviews.

Develops critical thinking abilities:

During interview games, students are challenged to think critically and analyze information. They must evaluate the credibility of the interviewee’s responses, identify biases, and make informed judgments. These skills are valuable for problem-solving and decision-making in various aspects of life.

Boosts self-confidence and self-awareness:

Participating in interview games allows students to step out of their comfort zones and practice presenting themselves in a professional manner. As they receive positive feedback and improve their interview skills, their self-confidence grows. Additionally, interview games encourage self-reflection, helping students gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement.

Promotes active listening and empathy:

Interview games require active listening skills, as students must pay close attention to the interviewee’s responses and ask follow-up questions. Through this process, they develop empathy by understanding different perspectives and experiences. These skills are essential for building meaningful relationships and fostering a positive school environment.

Types of Interview Games for High School Students

Role-playing interviews:

In this game, students take turns playing the interviewer and interviewee. They can use pre-determined questions or create their own. The focus is on practicing interview skills and etiquette, such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate body language, and demonstrating active listening.

Mock job interviews:

This game simulates real-life job interview scenarios. Students can research common interview questions and prepare their responses. They can also dress professionally and bring a resume. Mock job interviews help students gain confidence and prepare for future job opportunities.

Personal reflection interviews:

In this game, students interview each other about personal experiences or challenges. This activity encourages self-reflection and empathy as students listen attentively and ask thoughtful questions. It also promotes a sense of connection and understanding among peers.

Group panel interviews:

In this game, students form a panel and interview a guest speaker or expert on a specific topic. This activity enhances teamwork and collaboration skills as students work together to ask relevant questions and engage in meaningful discussions. It also exposes students to different perspectives and expands their knowledge.

Tips for Conducting Interview Games

Provide clear instructions and objectives:

Before starting an interview game, clearly explain the rules, objectives, and expectations to the students. This will ensure that everyone understands the purpose of the activity and knows what is expected of them.

Set realistic time limits for each interview:

Time management is crucial during interview games. Set realistic time limits for each interview to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate. This will also help students practice prioritizing information and making concise responses.

Encourage active participation and engagement:

During interview games, encourage all students to actively participate and engage in the activity. Create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This will foster a sense of belonging and promote meaningful interactions.

Offer constructive feedback and guidance:

After each interview, provide constructive feedback to help students improve their interview skills. Focus on both strengths and areas for improvement. Offer guidance on how to enhance communication, critical thinking, and empathy skills. This feedback will empower students to grow and develop their social emotional skills.

Integration of Interview Games into Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Align interview games with specific SEL competencies:

When incorporating interview games into the SEL curriculum, align them with specific SEL competencies such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. This will ensure that the games address the desired learning outcomes and contribute to students’ overall SEL development.

Incorporate reflection and discussion after each interview game:

After each interview game, provide time for reflection and discussion. Encourage students to share their thoughts, feelings, and insights from the activity. This will deepen their understanding of the interview experience and help them make connections to real-life situations and future goals.

Connect interview experiences to real-life situations and future goals:

Help students see the relevance of interview games by connecting them to real-life situations and future goals. Discuss how the skills developed during interview games can be applied in job interviews, college admissions interviews, and other important life events. This will motivate students to actively engage in the interview games and take their learning beyond the classroom.


Recap the benefits of interview games for high school students:

Interview games provide numerous benefits for high school students, including enhanced communication skills, developed critical thinking abilities, boosted self-confidence and self-awareness, and promoted active listening and empathy. These games offer practical and engaging ways to foster social emotional learning.

Encourage educators and parents to incorporate these games into their SEL practices:

By incorporating interview games into their SEL practices, educators and parents can provide high school students with valuable opportunities to develop essential social emotional skills. These games offer a fun and interactive approach to SEL, making it more engaging and impactful for students.

Emphasize the long-term impact of developing strong social emotional skills in high school students:

Developing strong social emotional skills in high school sets the foundation for success in various aspects of life. It equips students with the tools they need to navigate relationships, make responsible decisions, and achieve their goals. By investing in social emotional learning, we are investing in the future success and well-being of our high school students.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and discover the power of interview games in promoting social emotional learning in high school students.

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