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What Are Social Skills Worksheets

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social skills worksheets at everyday speech

Social skills refers to an individual’s ability to interpret and use language and behavior to appropriately interact with others. Children and adolescents who present with social communication challenges often have difficulty participating in social settings, interacting with peers, and achieving academic success. These students often require direct therapy intervention provided by speech-language pathologists, social workers, and/or board-certified behavior analysts to target these social skills.

Finding engaging and effective social skills materials to use with students can be challenging. Searching the internet for social skills worksheets is often unproductive and time-consuming. Oftentimes, we download a worksheet only to find that it does not effectively target the skill we want: it isn’t age-appropriate or falls completely flat– taking our students less than 5 minutes to complete it. 

So what makes a quality social skills worksheet? First and foremost, we want to use worksheets as a way to practice meaningful social skills. Second, we want to use worksheets that are engaging and fun for our students– Worksheets don’t have to be boring; but instead, they can be a powerful tool to keep in your toolbox to promote engaging and productive discussions with your students. Better yet, a social skills worksheet you don’t have to create yourself– bingo! That’s where Everyday Speech comes in.

Everyday Speech provides everything you need at the click of a button: quality video lessons, games, worksheets, and activities all done for you and organized into weekly lesson units at your fingertips. We not only provides quality video-modeling curriculums that nurture the fundamental social-emotional learning and social skills that all students need, but no-prep materials, as well. 

Everyday Speech social skills worksheets are printable and interactive, providing effective opportunities to practice their skills in-person or virtually. Whether you prefer giving your students the opportunity to put pen to paper (PDF printables!), or a more tech-forward worksheet experience (interactive worksheets!), Everyday Speech does both. 
Give this blog post a read to learn more about how our interactive social skills worksheets are a perfect fit for e-Learning here. Then, scroll to the bottom of this post for some free Everyday Speech social skills worksheets.

Don’t forget to check out our interactive social skills games, which are the perfect combination of fun and learning with your students!

Interested in learning more about our social-emotional learning or social communication curriculums? Click here to sign up for a free, 30-day trial with Everyday Speech to gain access to more than 500+ social skills worksheets, games, and lessons.

In the meantime, check out these free worksheets to get yourself started:

Keep Trying Question Prompts
Keep Trying Even When It’s Hard – Worksheet
Giving Compliments – Worksheet

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