In the vibrant world of preschool education, fostering social skills is as crucial as teaching letters and numbers. One essential aspect is guiding young learners to share ideas effectively with their peers during play. This blog offers a comprehensive approach, including the innovative “Conversation Share” concept from Everyday Speech, including a free preschool Sharing Ideas in Play Video Lesson sample.
The Significance of Idea Sharing in Preschool
Sharing ideas isn’t just about taking turns talking; it’s about building foundations for:
- Effective Communication: It teaches the nuances of expressing thoughts and listening to others.
- Social Interaction Skills: Idea sharing during play enhances cooperative play and teamwork.
- Creative Development: Exchanging ideas can spark creativity and new ways of thinking.
Sharing Ideas in Play Lesson Plan
Enable preschoolers to share their ideas with peers during play, using the “Conversation Share” method.
- “Sharing Ideas in Play” video sample from Everyday Speech
- “Share Ideas in Play” video companion worksheet
- Assorted play materials (blocks, toys, art supplies)
Step-by-Step Activities:
- Introduction to Idea Sharing (5 minutes)
- Start with a group discussion about playing together and how sharing ideas can make playtime more fun.
- Everyday Speech Video Viewing (10 minutes)
- Show the “Sharing Ideas in Play” video (below).
- Discuss the video, focusing on how the characters shared their ideas and how it made their play better.
- Complete the included video companion worksheet
3. Guided Play Activity (15 minutes)
- Divide children into small groups and provide play materials.
- Encourage them to use “Conversation Share” techniques. For instance, one child suggests an idea, and others build upon it.
Video Sample Lesson from Everyday Speech
To reinforce “Conversation Share” concept, we can utilize a video sample lesson from Everyday Speech. This video will break down the skills needed to teach learners to share their ideas during play with their peers.
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