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Lesson Plans

Free Printable Feeling Emojis

Emotional recognition and identification are crucial skills for elementary students, particularly those with unique learning or behavioral needs. This blog post offers a detailed lesson plan for special educators, centered around the engaging “Free Printable Feeling Emojis” from Everyday Speech. This resource is designed to aid students in recognizing and expressing their emotions more effectively.

Lesson Plan Overview

Duration: 30 minutes

Materials: “Free Printable Feeling Emojis” from Everyday Speech, scissors, glue, paper.

Objective: To help students identify various emotions and express their own feelings more clearly.

Preparation Steps

  1. Download and print the “Free Printable Feeling Emojis” sheets.
  2. Prepare scissors and glue for the activity.
  3. Create a comfortable, distraction-free space for the activity.

Lesson Execution

  1. Introduction to Emotions (5 minutes): Start with a discussion about emotions, explaining how they affect our actions and reactions.
  2. Exploring the Feeling Emojis (15 minutes): Distribute the printable emojis. Have students cut out the emojis and talk about what each emoji might be feeling.
  3. Emoji Matching Game (10 minutes): Ask students to match emojis with scenarios or feelings they have experienced, encouraging them to discuss why they chose each emoji.


This lesson plan, with the “Free Printable Feeling Emojis,” provides a simple yet effective tool for elementary special educators to enhance their students’ emotional recognition and expression. By engaging with the emojis, students learn to better understand and articulate their feelings, a skill vital for their social and emotional development.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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