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Free Changing the Channel on Feelings Goal Poster

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Navigating the tumultuous waters of middle school emotions can be daunting. As educators, it’s our role to provide our students with the tools they need to manage their feelings constructively. In today’s post, we’ll delve into a comprehensive lesson plan that employs a visual goal poster, an effective method to teach middle schoolers how to “change the channel” on their feelings.

Why Addressing Feelings is Crucial in Middle School

Middle school is a time of significant change. Hormonal shifts, peer pressures, and academic demands create a whirlwind of emotions. Teaching students to recognize, understand, and positively redirect their feelings is not just a lesson in emotion—it’s a lesson in life skills.

Introducing the Free Changing the Channel on Feelings Goal Poster

Our focal activity uses a visual goal poster to guide students through the process of managing their feelings. Through a step-by-step approach, students can learn to channel their emotions productively.

Lesson Plan: Changing the Channel on Feelings with the Goal Poster

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify their emotions, give themselves time to process, use calming strategies, and redirect their focus towards positive thoughts.

Duration: 30 minutes

  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Initiate a conversation about feelings and emotions.
    • Share a personal story or a relatable anecdote illustrating the challenges and importance of managing emotions.
  2. Presentation of the Goal Poster (5 minutes)
  3. Interactive Session (10 minutes)
    • Provide each student with the necessary materials to create their own goal poster.
    • As they work, circulate and facilitate discussions on each step. Encourage personal reflections and experiences.
  4. Group Discussion and Sharing (10 minutes)
    • Invite volunteers to share their posters and insights.
    • Discuss common themes and strategies that emerged during the activity.

Steps of the Goal Poster:

  1. Understand the Emotion You’re Feeling: Naming the feeling is the first step in managing it.
  2. Give Yourself Time to Feel Before You Act: It’s okay to take a moment to process emotions.
  3. Use Your Best Calming Strategy: Deep breathing or counting to ten can be effective.
  4. Change the Channel: Think about something new, uplifting, or positive to refocus.

The Power of Visual Goal Posters

Visuals offer a tangible way for students to grasp abstract concepts. A poster serves as a daily reminder of the strategies they can employ when emotions run high.


Empowering middle schoolers with the skills to change the channel on their feelings is an investment in their emotional well-being. With the Free Changing the Channel on Feelings Goal Poster, you can offer an engaging, hands-on activity to foster these crucial life skills.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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Teaching Students to Control Emotions

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Changing the Channel: Helping Students Manage Strong Emotions

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