Hey, Brittany from Everyday Speech here!
One of the most common things I hear from the teachers I work with is: I need my students to stop the blurting! Our students are blurting answers, rules, thoughts, and opinions.
Nothing halts classroom learning more than blurting. Luckily the Think It or Say It Unit is one that turns disruption around quickly. With consistency in how you reinforce it, you’ll see dramatic results and get your class running without interruption.
First things first, let’s train some new thinking habits. Our videos and activities will get your students thinking ahead BEFORE they speak their minds.
Next, it’s time to get prepped in the classroom. Call a 10-minute SWAT team meeting (See What Another’s Thinking). Once the following questions are answered, the meeting is over. No exceptions. Keep it fast and quick. Why? If it goes longer than 10 minutes, students unintentionally become condescending. Trust me on this.
Find all of these visuals in our Think It or Say It Goal under the visual supports button.
You can also get the poster for free here.
Talk Soon,
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