Access FREE SEL materials today Group work is a vital skill that students need to succeed in school and beyond. For elementary students, especially those with unique learning needs, understanding how to be a good group member is crucial. Special educators play an...
Category: Blog
Helping High Schoolers Manage Crushes
Access FREE SEL materials today Crushes are an exciting, sometimes confusing part of teenage life. For high school students, especially those with unique learning needs, understanding how to handle these emotions can be a challenge. As a special educator, you play a...
Problem-Solving Worksheet for Halloween
Access FREE SEL materials today Halloween is an exciting time for students, full of costumes, candy, and spooky fun. But it's also a great opportunity to weave in important social-emotional learning (SEL) concepts. With Everyday Speech’s Problem-Solving Worksheet for...
Halloween Behavior Activity for Middle School
Access FREE SEL materials today Halloween is an exciting time for students, but it can also bring challenges when it comes to behavior. Costumes, candy, and heightened excitement can make it difficult for students to regulate their emotions and stay on task. For...
Halloween SEL Puppets
Access FREE SEL materials today As Halloween approaches, elementary educators are always on the lookout for activities that blend fun with valuable learning experiences. One great way to do this is with Halloween SEL Puppets, an engaging craft activity from Everyday...
Halloween Moji Masks for Preschoolers
Access FREE SEL materials today As Halloween approaches, elementary educators are on the lookout for engaging, educational activities to keep students entertained and learning. One fun way to incorporate social-emotional learning (SEL) into your classroom is through...
Halloween Emotions Puzzle for Elementary Students
Access FREE SEL materials today As Halloween approaches, elementary educators are often on the lookout for engaging and meaningful classroom activities. But what if you could pair fun with valuable social-emotional learning? Everyday Speech offers the perfect solution...
Growth Mindset Halloween Activity for Elementary Students
Access FREE SEL materials today This Halloween, let’s brew up some growth and resilience with Everyday Speech’s Growth Mindset Cauldron activity! This fun, Growth Mindset Halloween Activity for elementary students encourages students to reflect on the challenges...
Teaching Safe Social Media Practices in Middle School
Access FREE SEL materials today As educators, we understand that middle schoolers are at a critical age for learning how to navigate social media safely and responsibly. They are exploring online platforms, engaging with friends, and forming habits that can have a...