Asking for permission is a valuable social skill that all students should learn. This skill is especially important in Special Education settings, where students may need additional support to understand and respect personal boundaries. In this blog post, we will discuss an easy-to-implement, no-prep activity for educators to teach students the importance of asking for permission, along with discussion questions, related skills, and next steps.
No-Prep Activity
This simple activity requires no preparation or materials and can be easily incorporated into any classroom routine. The goal is to help students practice asking for permission and understand its importance.
- Ask the students to form pairs or small groups.
- Each student should think of an item or activity that they would like to use or do, which belongs to their partner or is part of the classroom resources (e.g., using a classmate’s pencil or playing with a specific toy).
- Students should practice asking for permission by saying, “May I use your [item]?” or “May I do [activity]?” using a kind and respectful tone of voice.
- The partner should respond with either “Yes, you may” or “No, you may not” based on their comfort level.
- Students should then switch roles and repeat the process.
This activity encourages students to think about the feelings of others and practice the skill of asking for permission in a safe and supportive environment.
Discussion Questions
After completing the activity, engage students in a discussion to help them reflect on the experience and reinforce the importance of asking for permission. Consider asking the following questions:
- Why is it important to ask for permission before using someone else’s belongings or doing an activity?
- How did you feel when you asked for permission, and how did you feel when you were asked for permission?
- How would you feel if someone used your belongings or did an activity without asking for permission?
- What are some situations in which it is especially important to ask for permission?
- How can we remember to ask for permission in our daily lives?
Related Skills
Teaching the importance of asking for permission is just one aspect of fostering healthy social relationships in a Special Education setting. Other related skills that educators can focus on include:
- Respecting personal boundaries and personal space.
- Using polite language and manners when interacting with others.
- Recognizing and understanding the feelings of others.
- Developing empathy and compassion for others.
- Practicing active listening and effective communication.
Next Steps
Teaching students the importance of asking for permission is a crucial step in promoting positive social interactions and building a respectful classroom environment. To further support your students in developing this and other essential social-emotional skills, we encourage you to explore free sample materials available at Everyday Speech.
With a wide variety of resources, including videos, worksheets, and games, you’ll find everything you need to create engaging and effective lessons tailored to the unique needs of your Special Education students.