High school students face numerous social situations daily, and effective communication is crucial for building strong relationships. One essential aspect of communication is understanding Conversation Drivers and Conversation Stoppers. Conversation Drivers are behaviors that keep a conversation going, while Conversation Stoppers can make it uncomfortable or confusing for the other person. By teaching students these skills, educators can help them improve their social interactions and foster their overall social-emotional development.
No-Prep Activity
One simple way to introduce Conversation Drivers and Stoppers to high school students is through a no-prep activity called “Keep it Going or Stop it Dead.” In this activity, students will work in pairs and take turns role-playing conversations. One student will act as the initiator, starting a conversation on a given topic, while the other student will either use Conversation Drivers or Stoppers in their response. After a few exchanges, the students will switch roles and repeat the process with a new topic.
As the educator, you can provide a list of topics or allow students to choose their own. This activity not only helps students practice using Conversation Drivers and Stoppers but also allows them to experience the impact of these behaviors on their interactions. After completing the activity, discuss the outcomes and observations as a class to reinforce the importance of effective communication.
Discussion Questions
- How does using Conversation Drivers contribute to more engaging and meaningful conversations?
- What are some examples of Conversation Stoppers you have encountered in your daily interactions? How did they affect the conversation?
- Why is it important to be mindful of our body language and tone of voice when participating in a conversation?
- How can practicing Conversation Drivers and avoiding Conversation Stoppers help improve your relationships with others?
- What strategies can you use to remember to incorporate Conversation Drivers in your daily interactions?
Related Skills
Teaching Conversation Drivers and Stoppers is just one aspect of social-emotional learning. Other related skills that can help high school students thrive in their social interactions include:
- Active listening: Focusing on what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback to show understanding.
- Empathy: Putting oneself in another person’s shoes and understanding their feelings and perspectives.
- Conflict resolution: Identifying and addressing disagreements in a respectful and constructive manner.
- Assertiveness: Expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and needs in a respectful and confident way.
Next Steps
Now that you have a better understanding of Conversation Drivers and Stoppers and their impact on social-emotional learning, it’s time to put these concepts into practice. To help you get started, we invite you to access free sample materials, including activities and lessons, by signing up at Everyday Speech. These resources will provide you with valuable tools to support your students’ social-emotional development and improve their communication skills.