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No-Prep Activity

First Date Guide for Middle School Students: Social-Emotional Learning Activities

First Date Guide for Middle School Students: Social-Emotional Learning Activities


Going on a first date can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience for middle school students. They may have questions about what to wear, what to say, and how the date will go. This blog post will provide educators with a no-prep activity, discussion questions, and related skills to help students develop the social-emotional skills necessary for a successful first date experience.

No-Prep Activity: Role-Play Scenarios

This activity requires no preparation or materials from the educator. Pair students up and have them role-play different first date scenarios. This will help them practice their communication, listening, and empathy skills. Encourage students to take turns playing both the role of the person going on the date and the role of the date. Possible scenarios include:

  • Meeting at a movie theater
  • Going out for ice cream
  • Attending a school dance

This role-playing activity allows students to practice their conversation skills, observe body language cues, and learn how to adapt to different social situations.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important to confirm the day and time of your date in advance?
  2. How can you use your Topic Radar and Conversation Measuring Cup to keep the conversation balanced and engaging?
  3. What are some body language cues that might indicate your date is enjoying the conversation?
  4. Why is personal hygiene important when going on a date?
  5. How can being flexible and adaptable help you have a successful first date experience?

Related Skills

In addition to the skills discussed in this blog post, other relevant skills for students to develop include:

  • Active listening: Practice listening to others without interrupting or thinking about your response while they are speaking.
  • Empathy: Understand and share the feelings of others, which can help create a stronger connection during the date.
  • Conflict resolution: Learn how to address and resolve any disagreements or misunderstandings that may arise during the date.
  • Assertiveness: Develop the ability to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a respectful and confident manner.

Next Steps

To further support your students in developing these social-emotional skills, we encourage you to sign up for free samples of these skills and others at Everyday Speech Sample Materials. With these resources, you can help your students navigate their first date experience with confidence and success.

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