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No-Prep Activity

Calming Corner for Kindergarten: Using Our Senses to Promote Calmness and Focus

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Calming Corner for Kindergarten: Using Our Senses to Promote Calmness and Focus


As educators, we know the importance of teaching our students not only academic skills but also helping them develop their social and emotional well-being. For young children, especially in kindergarten, learning how to calm themselves and focus their attention is essential. In this blog post, we will discuss a no-prep, sensory-based activity that can help kindergarten students practice calming techniques and improve their focus in the classroom.

No-Prep Activity: Our Senses Calming Break

This activity requires no preparation or materials on the part of the educator. To begin, have your students find a comfortable spot in the classroom where they can sit up tall and close their eyes. The goal of this activity is to guide students through a calming exercise that engages their senses and brings awareness to their surroundings.

  1. Tell the students to focus on the sounds they hear around them. Encourage them to listen to every little noise, such as a fan, footsteps, or a chair moving.
  2. Next, have them concentrate on the sensations they feel on their skin. This could include the feeling of their feet in their shoes, their arm resting on a table, or a gentle breeze.
  3. Ask the students to take a deep breath and notice any smells in the room. They might detect the scent of a snack, cleaning supplies, or a classmate’s perfume.
  4. Finally, instruct the students to open their eyes and look around the room. Encourage them to find something they haven’t noticed before, such as an object on a shelf or a view out the window.

After completing the activity, have a brief discussion with your students about what they heard, felt, smelled, and saw. This exercise can be done whenever they need to calm down and refocus their attention on the present moment.

Discussion Questions

  1. How did focusing on your senses help you feel more calm and relaxed?
  2. Which sense did you find most helpful for calming down? Why?
  3. Can you think of other situations where using this calming technique might be helpful?
  4. How can paying attention to our surroundings help us feel more connected to the present moment?
  5. What are some other strategies you can use to calm down and refocus when you’re feeling overwhelmed or distracted?

Related Skills

Teaching students to use their senses for self-calming is just one aspect of social-emotional learning. Other related skills that can be beneficial for kindergarten students include:

  • Mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing exercises and guided imagery
  • Emotion recognition and expression
  • Active listening and effective communication
  • Building healthy relationships with peers and adults
  • Developing self-awareness and self-regulation

Next Steps

If you’re interested in incorporating more social-emotional learning activities into your kindergarten classroom, we encourage you to explore our free sample materials. These resources can help you teach a variety of essential skills that will support your students’ overall well-being and academic success. Sign up today and discover the benefits of social-emotional learning for your kindergarten students.

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