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IEP Goals and Objectives

Creating Effective IEP Goals for Self-Care Skills in Special Education

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Creating Effective IEP Goals for Self-Care Skills in Special Education


In special education, it’s crucial to equip students with the necessary self-care skills to promote independence and foster a sense of responsibility. Self-care skills, such as handwashing, are essential for students’ overall wellbeing, social interactions, and learning experiences.

Understanding Self-Care Skills

Self-care skills involve the ability to perform tasks independently that contribute to one’s personal care, hygiene, and overall wellbeing. These skills have a significant impact on students’ learning, as they promote a healthy environment and help prevent the spread of illness. Additionally, self-care skills encourage social interactions by teaching students the importance of personal cleanliness and responsibility.

The Role of Specialists

Various specialists play a crucial role in supporting the development of self-care skills in special education students:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists: They can help students understand and follow instructions related to self-care tasks, such as handwashing.
  • Social Workers: They can assist in addressing any barriers to self-care skills and facilitate communication between school, family, and the student.
  • Psychologists: They can provide strategies to address any emotional or behavioral challenges that may hinder the development of self-care skills.
  • School Counselors: They can offer support and resources to help students with self-care skill development and promote a positive school environment.

IEP Goals for Self-Care Skills

Here are some specific SMART IEP goals to improve self-care skills in students:

  1. Goal: The student will independently wash their hands following the proper steps, with 90% accuracy, in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
    • Strategies: Provide visual aids, practice handwashing routine, and use social stories to reinforce the importance of handwashing.
  2. Goal: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate amount of soap to use when washing their hands in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
    • Strategies: Model the correct amount of soap, use visual cues, and provide opportunities for practice and feedback.
  3. Goal: The student will consistently turn off the water and dry their hands after washing, in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
    • Strategies: Teach the importance of water conservation, use visual prompts, and provide practice opportunities.

Implementing and Measuring Progress

For successful implementation and progress measurement, consider the following tips:

  • Collaborate with the entire IEP team, including the student, to set realistic goals and expectations.
  • Regularly monitor and track the student’s progress using data collection methods such as checklists and observation notes.
  • Adjust goals and strategies as needed based on the student’s progress and changing needs.


By understanding the importance of self-care skills and setting effective IEP goals, educators can help students develop these essential abilities. With the support of specialists and a dedicated IEP team, students will be better prepared for success in their academic, social, and personal lives. To explore more resources and sample materials, visit Everyday Speech Sample Materials.

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