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Solving Problems on the Playground Lesson Plan

One of the social skills we can teach our elementary students is problem-solving skills to be a good sport on the playground. Playground activities often involve social interactions that can be challenging for some students. However, teaching them to use problem-solving skills can make a significant difference in their social interactions on the playground. Check out our free lesson plan and worksheet to teach your students how to solve problems on the playground!

Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to be a Good Sport on the Playground

Objective: To teach elementary students problem-solving skills to be a good sport on the playground.


  • Everyday Speech “Solving Problems on the Playground” Worksheet
  • A poster board with problem-solving steps (optional)

1. Have a Discussion About ‘Being a Good Sport’

Ask students what it means to be a good sport on the playground. Write their responses on the board. Afterward, ask them what they think problem-solving is and why it is essential. Explain that problem-solving is a crucial skill that will help them deal with difficult situations and conflicts on the playground.

2. Teach Problem-Solving Steps

Next, it’s time to introduce the problem-solving steps to the students. These steps can be written on the board to help reinforce the concept. The steps include:

  • Identify the problem
  • Decide if you need help
  • Come up with multiple solutions
  • Choose the best solution
  • Decide if the problem is solved

3. Use “Solving Problems on the Playground” Worksheet

Finally, download, print, and hand out our “Solving Problems on the Playground” matching worksheet to reinforce the concepts reviewed. Once students have completed the worksheet, have a whole-class or small-group discussion about the importance of problem-solving on the playground. Then, ask them to share how they can use these problem-solving skills in their daily lives.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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