Category: General

MTSS and PBIS Comparison
MTSS and PBIS Comparison

MTSS and PBIS are a couple of the many acronyms educators use when talking about helping and supporting students. In this post, we'll share what these acronyms stand for, the frameworks behind them, and how these frameworks differ and overlap.   What is MTSS?...

Using ESSER Funding to Support Social-Emotional Learning
Using ESSER Funding to Support Social-Emotional Learning

Are you looking for funding to help cover costs for Social and Emotional learning in your school or district? The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund may be the answer.   In 2020 and 2021, Congress passed three stimulus bills that...

How to Integrate Google Classroom with Everyday Speech
How to Integrate Google Classroom with Everyday Speech

Everyday Speech was designed to make the lives of educators easier. In order to achieve this, Everyday Speech has made sharing content as easy as possible. Our Social Learning Platform includes the option to assign homework, share materials, and track student progress...

Using Video Modeling to Teach Growth Mindset
Using Video Modeling to Teach Growth Mindset

We have all heard something like, “I will never be good at this,” “I just don’t get it,” or “I give up,” come from our learners. These statements are all examples of having a fixed mindset. As educators, one of our core responsibilities is to encourage learners to...

How to Support a Child After Trauma
How to Support a Child After Trauma

As an educator, how do you support a child after trauma? What do you say to them after something unimaginable happens? How do you help them feel safe again? There are no tricks or magic formulas. Recovering from trauma takes time, not just days or weeks, but...

SEL Summer Homework for Students
SEL Summer Homework for Students

  Educators, as summer approaches, you may be reflecting on all your students have accomplished this past year. You want your students to continue to close gaps and maintain the SEL gains you worked so hard on. How do you equip your students with the right tools...

Strategies for Reducing Student Anxiety
Strategies for Reducing Student Anxiety

Two years post-pandemic, many students across the country are still feeling the effects of COVID-19. Concerns over lost-instruction time is just the tip of the iceberg as many students struggle with mental health concerns, including increased anxiety and misbehavior...

April Content Updates
April Content Updates

Hi Everyday Speechies,  We just dropped a bunch of new games, videos, and activities to support your students with reading the room, problem-solving, keeping conversations going, and more! Plus, we released two new units for Pre-K and K learners: “What are...