Teaching elementary students to show respect to others is an important social skill for them to acquire. With Everyday Speech’s Showing Respect lesson, students can learn to be respectful of their peers and follow school rules. To teach your next elementary lesson on showing respect at school make sure to download this free showing respect PDF!
Teaching Elementary Students to Show Respect
As an educator, one of your main goals is to help your students develop social skills that will help them build relationships and succeed in their personal and academic lives. One essential skill that elementary students need to learn is how to show respect to others. Respect is an important aspect of building positive relationships, and it helps create a positive classroom culture. In this blog post, we will discuss a lesson plan to teach elementary students how to show respect to others. In this lesson from Everyday Speech, students will learn how to show respect to others by understanding what respect means, identifying respectful behaviors, and practicing them in a classroom setting.
Lesson Plan – Using Your Keeping Hands to Yourself PDF
1. Teach the Concept of Respect
Start by discussing what respect means and why it is essential for building positive relationships. Use examples to illustrate how respect can help create a positive classroom culture and prevent conflicts.
2. Identify Respectful Behaviors
To help elementary students understand what it means to show respect, ask students to brainstorm words that they associate with respect. Write their responses on the whiteboard, piece of paper, or poster. Then, ask them to identify respectful behaviors. Write their responses down for them to see.
3.Use Your Free Showing Respect Poster PDF
Have your students practice showing respect and following the steps to do so by using your free PDF! This PDF is Everyday Speech’s ‘Showing Respect’ goal poster! Download, print, and hang up this poster in your classroom to serve as a visual reminder and reinforce the concept of showing respect.
Sample Video:
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