Teaching elementary students to advocate for themselves is an important social skill to acquire. With Everyday Speech’s self-advocacy lesson, students can learn to independently advocate for themselves in order to respect their own differing needs. This in turn will boost their confidence and self-esteem, as well. To teach your next elementary self-advocacy lesson, download this free elementary self-advocacy lesson plan.
Teaching Elementary Students Self-Advocacy
As an educator, you know the importance of teaching your students the skills they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. One skill that elementary students with differing abilities need to learn is self-advocacy. Advocating for oneself is the ability to express your needs, wants, and preferences clearly and assertively. In this lesson plan, we will provide you with everything you need to teach your elementary students how to advocate for themselves effectively.
Lesson Plan – Using Your Free Self-Advocacy Lesson Plan
1. Teach the Concept of Self-Advocacy
Start by discussing with your elementary-aged students what self-advocacy means and why it is both essential and beneficial for them. Use examples to illustrate how self-advocacy can help students achieve their goals, overcome obstacles, and meet their needs.
2. Practice Self-Advocacy
Have your students practice advocating for themselves and speaking up at school in a role-play scenario. Encourage them to use the ‘I-Statement’ communication strategy. For example, “I need to sit closer to the front of the classroom so I can better hear the teacher.”
After the role-play, ask students to reflect on their experience of practicing speaking up for themselves at school. Did they feel comfortable advocating for themselves? What could they do differently next time?
3. Use Your Free Self-Advocacy Lesson Plan
Your free lesson plan includes a free PDF worksheet called “Speaking Up at School”. Download, print, and have your students complete this activity to reinforce the concept of self-advocacy.
Sample Video:
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