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Free Applying for a Job Lesson Plan

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Check out Everyday Speech’s free applying for a job lesson plan for high schoolers! With Everyday Speech’s Applying for a Job lesson plan, you can teach your high school students foundational skills needed before and during the application process. Download this free worksheet and lesson plan to teach your next high school applying for a job lesson!

Teaching High School Students to Apply for a Job

Before students look for a job, reflect on what kind of position they would enjoy that would utilize their unique strengths. First, teaching high school students to check in with themselves to consider the time commitment and skills needed for different job positions is a good place to start. Next, reviewing the professional skills and etiquette needed for the process, including how to submit a resume and communicate with a potential employer is helpful.

Lesson Plan – Using Your Free Applying for a Job Worksheet

1. Teach the Concept of Professionalism

Professionalism can be a tricky concept to grasp for high school students who are still in the educational setting. After teaching the definition of professionalism to your high school students, start a group discussion on behaviors that they would categorize as ‘professional’ and those that they would categorize as ‘unprofessional’.

2. Practice Applying for a Job

Have your high school students practice using the professional behaviors discussed previously with the use of role-play scenarios. Provide students with practice interview questions that they can take turns asking each other and practice using professionalism in their mock interview.

3. Use Your Free Applying for a Job Worksheet

The free worksheet is a fill-in-the-blank activity that reinforces the skills needed to apply for a job successfully. Download, print, and have your high school students complete this activity individually or as a small group.

Sample Video:

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