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No-Prep Activity

Act It Out!: A Role-Playing Game for Social Situations in Special Education

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Act It Out!: A Role-Playing Game for Social Situations in Special Education


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is an essential component of any educational program, especially for students in special education. Role-playing games like Act It Out! offer a fun and engaging way for students to practice essential communication skills and navigate social situations. This blog post will introduce you to Act It Out!, a role-playing game that focuses on topics, emotions, and how they affect our interactions with others. We will also provide a no-prep activity, discussion questions, related skills, and next steps to help you incorporate this game into your special education curriculum.

No-Prep Activity

This no-prep activity is designed to help students practice using clues to come up with conversation topics. Start by dividing your students into pairs or small groups. Have each group select a scenario from everyday life (e.g., meeting a new classmate, talking to a friend during lunch, or discussing a book in a book club). Each student will take turns being Person A and Person B in the scenario.

The goal of the activity is for Person A to initiate a conversation with Person B by using clues from their surroundings or the situation itself. For example, if the scenario is meeting a new classmate, Person A may notice that Person B is wearing a shirt with their favorite sports team’s logo and use that as a conversation starter. After each interaction, the group can discuss how well the conversation went and whether the chosen topic was appropriate for the situation.

Discussion Questions

  1. What clues did you use to come up with a conversation topic in the activity? How did it affect the interaction?
  2. How did the emotions of Person A and Person B change throughout the conversation? What factors contributed to these changes?
  3. Can you think of a time when you used clues from your surroundings to start a conversation? How did it go?
  4. Why is it important to choose appropriate conversation topics in social situations?
  5. How can practicing these skills in a role-playing game like Act It Out! help students in real-life social situations?

Related Skills

Act It Out! not only helps students practice choosing conversation topics but also touches on other relevant skills for social-emotional development. Some of these skills include:

  • Active Listening: Paying close attention to what the other person is saying and responding appropriately.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others, which can help build stronger connections.
  • Nonverbal Communication: Using body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to convey emotions and messages.
  • Conflict Resolution: Addressing disagreements in a respectful and constructive way.

Next Steps

Act It Out! is a valuable addition to any special education curriculum focused on social-emotional learning. If you’re interested in exploring more activities like this, we encourage you to sign up for free samples of various SEL skill-building materials at Everyday Speech. By incorporating these resources into your teaching, you can help your students develop the skills they need to navigate social situations and foster meaningful connections with others.

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