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No-Prep Activity

Empathy: A Key Skill for Building Strong Friendships in Middle School

Empathy: A Key Skill for Building Strong Friendships in Middle School


Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else feels and show care for their feelings through words and actions. It forms the foundation of strong relationships and helps us forge bonds with others. In a world where friendships play a crucial role, especially for middle school students, empathy can make all the difference. This blog post will explore an engaging no-prep activity, discussion questions, and related skills to help educators teach empathy to their students.

No-Prep Activity: Empathy Scenarios

This activity requires no preparation or materials. Simply gather your students in a circle and present them with various scenarios. Encourage the students to think about how the person in the scenario might feel and what they could do to show empathy in that situation. Here are a few examples of scenarios to get started:

  • A classmate is upset after getting a low grade on a test.
  • Someone is sitting alone at lunch, looking sad.
  • A friend is struggling with a difficult assignment and feels overwhelmed.

After discussing each scenario, encourage students to share their thoughts and feelings. This activity allows students to practice empathy by putting themselves in someone else’s shoes and considering how they can offer support and understanding.

Discussion Questions

To stimulate further conversation and reflection on empathy, consider asking your students the following questions:

  1. How does it feel when someone shows empathy towards you? How does it feel when someone doesn’t?
  2. Can you think of a time when you showed empathy to someone else? What happened?
  3. How can empathy help us build stronger friendships and connections with others?
  4. What are some challenges in showing empathy to others, and how can we overcome them?
  5. How can we practice empathy in our daily lives to become better friends and community members?

Related Skills

Empathy is just one of many important skills for students to develop. Here are a few other related skills that can help students build strong relationships and navigate social situations:

  • Active listening: Focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully.
  • Communication: Expressing oneself clearly and effectively, both verbally and nonverbally.
  • Conflict resolution: Addressing disagreements in a constructive manner and finding solutions that work for all parties involved.
  • Respect: Treating others with kindness, valuing their feelings and opinions, and acknowledging differences.
  • Self-awareness: Recognizing one’s own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses, and understanding how they impact interactions with others.

Next Steps

Developing empathy is a lifelong journey, and it’s essential to start early. As an educator, you have the power to help your students build this crucial skill and foster meaningful relationships. To support your efforts in teaching empathy and other social-emotional skills, we invite you to sign up for free sample materials at Everyday Speech. These resources will provide you with additional tools and activities to help your students grow and thrive in their social lives.

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