Everything you need at the click of a button.
Lesson planning, no-prep materials, data tracking, and more! Feel confident teaching new social cognition patterns with Everyday Speech materials. Our curriculum will help you introduce, practice, apply, and review concepts with students so they can generalize these skills beyond the classroom.
Our diverse collection of video-modeling lessons with real-life scenarios provide students with clear demonstrations of appropriate social behavior, helping them understand and apply these skills in their everyday lives.
Get full access to Everyday Speech’s no-prep curriculum and live training—for free! See how we can help your team improve planning, behavior, and interventions for all students.
Our curriculum is for special educators, speech-language pathologists, and social workers who are passionate to help their students improve social communication skills. It works well in classrooms, therapy sessions, and intervention programs – both in-person and online. Whether it’s turn-taking, conversation skills, emotion-recognition, or problem-solving, Everyday Speech has the engaging tools needed to help students improve their social skills.
Equip your students with the skills they need to succeed with a curriculum built for how you teach.
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