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The Power of Influence and Persuasion: Strategies for Teaching High School Students

The Power of Influence and Persuasion: Strategies for Teaching High School Students

The Power of Influence and Persuasion: Strategies for Teaching High School Students

Teaching influence and persuasion skills to high school students is of utmost importance in today’s society. In a world where communication is key, being able to effectively influence and persuade others can open doors to success in various aspects of life. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of teaching influence and persuasion, the benefits it brings to high school students, and strategies to incorporate these skills in the classroom.

Understanding Influence and Persuasion

Before diving into the strategies for teaching influence and persuasion, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what these terms mean. Influence refers to the ability to have an impact on someone’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. Persuasion, on the other hand, involves convincing others to adopt a particular belief or take a specific course of action.

While influence and persuasion are closely related, they have distinct differences. Influence is more about guiding and shaping someone’s behavior, while persuasion focuses on changing their beliefs or opinions. Both skills are valuable in everyday life, from personal relationships to professional settings.

Benefits of Teaching Influence and Persuasion to High School Students

Teaching influence and persuasion to high school students offers numerous benefits that go beyond the classroom. Firstly, it enhances their communication skills. By learning how to effectively influence and persuade others, students become better at expressing their thoughts and ideas, actively listening to others, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Additionally, teaching influence and persuasion helps develop critical thinking abilities. Students learn to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and make informed decisions. These skills are crucial for navigating the complexities of the modern world and becoming well-rounded individuals.

Furthermore, influence and persuasion foster empathy and understanding. By understanding the motivations and perspectives of others, students become more empathetic and compassionate. This not only improves their relationships with peers but also prepares them to be more inclusive and accepting members of society.

Lastly, teaching influence and persuasion equips high school students with essential skills for future success. Whether they pursue higher education, enter the workforce, or engage in community activities, the ability to influence and persuade others will be invaluable in achieving their goals.

Strategies for Teaching Influence and Persuasion to High School Students

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of teaching influence and persuasion, let’s explore some effective strategies for incorporating these skills into the high school classroom.

1. Introducing the concept of influence and persuasion

Start by explaining the definitions and significance of influence and persuasion to students. Help them understand how these skills can positively impact their lives and the lives of others.

2. Exploring different techniques and tactics

Teach students various techniques and tactics used in influence and persuasion. These may include active listening and effective communication, understanding body language and non-verbal cues, building rapport and trust, utilizing logical reasoning and evidence, and addressing counterarguments and objections.

3. Engaging students through interactive activities and discussions

Engage students in interactive activities and discussions that require them to apply their influence and persuasion skills. This could involve role-plays, debates, group projects, or mock scenarios.

4. Providing real-life examples and scenarios for practice

Offer real-life examples and scenarios that allow students to practice their influence and persuasion skills. This could include analyzing persuasive advertisements, evaluating speeches, or discussing current events.

Incorporating Influence and Persuasion in the Classroom

To maximize the impact of teaching influence and persuasion, it is important to integrate these skills across subjects and classroom activities.

1. Integrating influence and persuasion skills across subjects

Collaborate with other educators to incorporate influence and persuasion skills into various subjects. For example, in English class, students can analyze persuasive writing techniques in literature, while in science class, they can evaluate the effectiveness of scientific arguments.

2. Encouraging student-led discussions and debates

Encourage students to take the lead in discussions and debates, allowing them to practice their influence and persuasion skills in a safe and supportive environment. This helps build their confidence and ability to articulate their thoughts effectively.

3. Assigning persuasive writing tasks and presentations

Assign persuasive writing tasks and presentations that require students to apply their influence and persuasion skills. This could involve writing persuasive essays, delivering speeches, or creating multimedia presentations.

4. Collaborating with other educators for interdisciplinary projects

Collaborate with educators from different subjects to create interdisciplinary projects that require students to utilize their influence and persuasion skills. This helps students see the relevance of these skills across different areas of study.

Assessing and Evaluating Influence and Persuasion Skills

Assessing and evaluating students’ influence and persuasion skills is crucial to track their progress and provide feedback for improvement.

1. Creating rubrics and criteria for assessment

Create rubrics and criteria that clearly outline the expectations for influence and persuasion skills. This helps students understand what they need to focus on and allows for consistent and fair evaluation.

2. Conducting role-plays and simulations for evaluation

Conduct role-plays and simulations where students can demonstrate their influence and persuasion skills. This provides a realistic and practical assessment opportunity.

3. Providing constructive feedback and opportunities for improvement

Offer constructive feedback to students, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement in their influence and persuasion skills. Provide opportunities for them to practice and refine these skills.

Supporting Students’ Social Emotional Learning

Teaching influence and persuasion goes hand in hand with supporting students’ social emotional learning.

1. Promoting self-awareness and self-regulation

Help students develop self-awareness and self-regulation skills, as these are essential for effective influence and persuasion. Encourage them to reflect on their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

2. Cultivating empathy and perspective-taking

Cultivate empathy and perspective-taking skills by encouraging students to consider the viewpoints and experiences of others. This helps them build connections and understand different perspectives.

3. Building positive relationships and teamwork skills

Emphasize the importance of building positive relationships and teamwork skills. These skills enhance students’ ability to collaborate, negotiate, and influence others in a respectful and cooperative manner.


Teaching influence and persuasion to high school students is a powerful way to equip them with essential skills for personal and professional success. By enhancing their communication abilities, critical thinking skills, empathy, and understanding, students become well-rounded individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the world. Implementing the strategies discussed in this blog post will not only benefit students in the short term but also have long-term positive effects on their personal and professional growth.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and empower your high school students with the power of influence and persuasion.

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