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Exploring Whole Body Listening: A Social Story to Foster Better Communication

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Exploring Whole Body Listening: A Social Story to Foster Better Communication

Exploring Whole Body Listening: A Social Story to Foster Better Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful social interactions. It allows us to understand others, express ourselves, and build meaningful relationships. However, for individuals with social and communication difficulties, such as those with autism spectrum disorder or language impairments, mastering the art of communication can be challenging.

One concept that can greatly enhance communication skills is Whole Body Listening. Whole Body Listening is a term coined by speech-language pathologist Susanne Poulette Truesdale, and it refers to the practice of using all parts of our body to actively listen and understand others. By engaging our eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, and body, we can demonstrate attentive listening and improve our ability to comprehend verbal and nonverbal cues.

One effective tool for teaching Whole Body Listening is the use of Social Stories. Social Stories are short narratives that provide individuals with clear and concise explanations of social situations, expectations, and appropriate behaviors. They are particularly useful for individuals with social and communication difficulties, as they provide visual supports and structure to facilitate learning.

Understanding Whole Body Listening

Whole Body Listening consists of six components:

  1. Eyes watching: This means looking at the speaker and maintaining eye contact. It shows that we are paying attention and interested in what the speaker has to say.
  2. Ears listening: This involves actively listening to the speaker’s words and tone of voice. It means focusing on what is being said and not getting distracted.
  3. Mouth quiet: Keeping our mouth quiet means refraining from interrupting or talking over the speaker. It allows us to fully listen and understand what is being communicated.
  4. Hands still: Having still hands means avoiding fidgeting or engaging in distracting behaviors with our hands. It helps us maintain focus and attention on the speaker.
  5. Feet still: Keeping our feet still means not tapping or moving them excessively. It demonstrates that we are present and engaged in the conversation.
  6. Body facing the speaker: Orienting our body towards the speaker shows that we are actively engaged and interested in the conversation. It conveys respect and attentiveness.

Each component of Whole Body Listening plays a crucial role in active listening and understanding others. By practicing these components, individuals can improve their communication skills and build stronger connections with others.

Benefits of Whole Body Listening

The practice of Whole Body Listening offers several benefits:

  1. Improved comprehension and understanding of verbal and nonverbal cues: By actively engaging all parts of our body, we can better understand the message being conveyed. We can pick up on subtle nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, which contribute to effective communication.
  2. Enhanced social interactions and relationships: Whole Body Listening promotes active engagement in conversations, leading to more meaningful interactions and stronger relationships. It allows individuals to connect with others on a deeper level and fosters mutual understanding.
  3. Increased empathy and understanding of others’ perspectives: By actively listening and paying attention to others, individuals develop empathy and gain a better understanding of different perspectives. This leads to improved conflict resolution and more effective collaboration.
  4. Strengthened communication skills in various settings: Whole Body Listening is a transferable skill that can be applied in different contexts, such as classrooms, family settings, and social gatherings. By practicing Whole Body Listening, individuals become more effective communicators in all areas of life.

Using Social Stories to Teach Whole Body Listening

Social Stories are a powerful tool for teaching social skills, including Whole Body Listening. Here is a step-by-step guide on creating a Social Story for Whole Body Listening:

  1. Identify the target audience and specific goals: Determine who the Social Story is intended for and what specific skills or behaviors you want to teach.
  2. Structure the story using simple language and visuals: Keep the language and visuals in the Social Story clear and concise. Use age-appropriate language and include relevant visuals to support understanding.
  3. Incorporate examples and scenarios to illustrate Whole Body Listening: Provide concrete examples and scenarios that demonstrate Whole Body Listening in action. This helps individuals understand how to apply the concept in real-life situations.
  4. Include prompts for practice and reinforcement: Include prompts in the Social Story that encourage individuals to practice Whole Body Listening. This can be in the form of questions or suggestions for specific activities.

Repetition and reinforcement are key to learning and internalizing Whole Body Listening skills. Encourage individuals to revisit the Social Story regularly and provide opportunities for practice and application in real-life situations.

Implementing Whole Body Listening in Daily Life

Whole Body Listening can be incorporated into various contexts to promote effective communication. Here are some strategies for implementing Whole Body Listening in different settings:

  1. Classroom or educational settings: Educators can create a Whole Body Listening environment by modeling the behavior, providing visual cues, and incorporating activities that promote active listening.
  2. Family and home environment: Parents can encourage Whole Body Listening by setting clear expectations, providing positive reinforcement, and engaging in activities that require active listening, such as family discussions or game nights.
  3. Social gatherings and community events: Encourage individuals to practice Whole Body Listening during social interactions by reminding them of the components and providing opportunities for reflection and discussion.

To further support the development of Whole Body Listening skills, consider the following tips:

  1. Model Whole Body Listening behavior: Be a role model by demonstrating Whole Body Listening in your own interactions. This sets a positive example and reinforces the importance of active listening.
  2. Provide positive reinforcement and praise: Recognize and praise individuals when they demonstrate Whole Body Listening. Positive reinforcement encourages continued practice and reinforces the desired behavior.
  3. Engage in activities that promote active listening and understanding: Incorporate activities that require active listening and understanding, such as storytelling, role-playing, or group discussions. These activities provide opportunities for individuals to practice and apply Whole Body Listening skills.


Whole Body Listening is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance communication and social interactions. By actively engaging our eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, and body, we demonstrate attentive listening and improve our ability to understand others. Social Stories are an effective tool for teaching and reinforcing Whole Body Listening skills, providing individuals with clear explanations and visual supports.

By implementing Whole Body Listening strategies in daily life, individuals can enhance their communication skills, build stronger relationships, and develop a deeper understanding of others. Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and explore the resources available to support the development of Whole Body Listening skills.

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