Try the no-prep way to teach Hygiene

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Goals included in the
Hygiene unit:
  • Understanding Hygiene
    Understanding Hygiene
  • Improving Your Hygiene
    Improving Your Hygiene

The Hygiene unit includes 13 videos and 8 activities!

Complete SEL lesson plans to teach Hygiene

Everyday Speech lesson plans save you time! There’s no prep work required, whether you’re teaching SEL to an entire class or facilitating small group and one-on-one sessions. The hard part is done for you – just log in and choose a skill!

What will students learn in the Hygiene unit?

Picking up good hygiene skills doesn’t happen naturally for everyone. That’s why the Everyday Speech curriculum includes a full Hygiene unit – to help your students understand good hygiene and why it’s important. Our unit on hygiene includes an overview of basic standards for handwashing, sneezing, brushing teeth, washing hair and more. Kids will also learn the importance of regular morning and evening routines in addition to basic bathroom hygiene etiquette. Teaching with our no-prep lesson plans and interactive videos, activities, and games makes it fun for students to learn new hygiene skills.

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