Everyday Speech Blog

Social Skill Lesson Plans and Articles

Helping High Schoolers Manage Crushes
Helping High Schoolers Manage Crushes

Access FREE SEL materials today Having a crush is a normal part of high school life, but managing these feelings can be challenging for many students. As high school counselors, you play an important role in helping high schoolers manage crushes responsibly. Using an...

Simon Says Inspired Listening Game for Preschoolers
Simon Says Inspired Listening Game for Preschoolers

Access FREE SEL materials today Emotional recognition and regulation are crucial skills for preschoolers to develop as they navigate their early years. Understanding and managing big feelings can significantly enhance their social interactions, learning experiences,...

Interactive Social Skills Simulation
Interactive Social Skills Simulation

Access FREE SEL materials today Teaching self-advocacy is a vital part of empowering elementary school students, particularly those in special education. Self-advocacy helps students express their needs, make informed decisions, and gain confidence in navigating...

Activity for Helping Preschoolers Handle Change
Activity for Helping Preschoolers Handle Change

  Access FREE SEL materials today   Introduction Developing self-regulation skills is crucial for all preschoolers, as these skills help children manage their emotions, behavior, and thoughts, setting a strong foundation for future learning and social...

Summer SEL Craft for Elementary Students
Summer SEL Craft for Elementary Students

    Access FREE SEL materials today   With summer just around the corner, elementary students are buzzing with excitement. For special education teachers, this time offers a unique chance to engage students in activities that not only harness their...

No-Prep Activities

Teaching Students to Think About Others in Shared Spaces
Teaching Students to Think About Others in Shared Spaces

Introduction In a world where we often share spaces with others, it's essential for students to learn how to be mindful of the people around them. This not only helps create a harmonious environment but also fosters empathy and compassion. In this blog post, we'll...

Addressing the Impact of Spreading Rumors in Middle School
Addressing the Impact of Spreading Rumors in Middle School

Introduction Rumors can have a significant impact on the lives of middle school students. Spreading rumors means saying things about people that aren't true and can hurt their feelings or damage their reputation. In this blog post, we will explore an activity that...

Teaching PreK Students the Skill of Asking for Permission
Teaching PreK Students the Skill of Asking for Permission

Introduction Asking for permission is an essential skill that young children need to learn in order to develop positive social interactions and relationships. By teaching PreK students the importance of seeking permission before using items or participating in...

Teaching Students the Power of Self-Talk for Emotional Well-Being
Teaching Students the Power of Self-Talk for Emotional Well-Being

Introduction The way we talk to ourselves plays a crucial role in our emotional well-being. Self-talk is the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, and it can be either positive or negative. Teaching students to use self-talk effectively can help them improve their...

Teaching the Importance of Accepting Help from Others
Teaching the Importance of Accepting Help from Others

Introduction As educators, it is essential to create an environment where students feel comfortable learning from their mistakes and accepting help from others. By teaching students the importance of accepting help, we can foster a collaborative and supportive...

Teaching Small Talk Skills to Students in Special Education
Teaching Small Talk Skills to Students in Special Education

Introduction Small talk is a crucial social skill that allows individuals to engage in short, polite conversations with others, especially when interacting with strangers or acquaintances. By teaching students in Special Education how to make small talk, we can help...

Box Breathing: A Powerful Technique for Middle School Students
Box Breathing: A Powerful Technique for Middle School Students

Deep breathing is an essential skill that helps students maintain a calm state of mind, allowing them to think clearly and calmly. One such powerful technique is Box Breathing, a simple yet effective method for controlling worries, anger, and fears. In this blog post,...