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Middle School Size of the Problem Worksheet

As school counselors, one of our key responsibilities is equipping students with essential life skills. Problem-solving is a crucial skill that empowers individuals to overcome challenges and find effective solutions. However, before students can tackle a problem, they need to understand the size of the problem at hand.

In this blog post, we will explore strategies for teaching middle school students to determine the size of the problem. By helping them assess whether a problem is big or small, we enable them to approach problem-solving with clarity and confidence. We will provide a no-prep lesson plan and engaging activities that can be easily integrated into your counseling sessions. Let’s embark on this journey to empower our students to become skilled problem solvers!

Understanding the Size of the Problem

Before delving into problem-solving strategies, it’s important for students to recognize that not all problems are created equal. By teaching them to assess the size of the problem, we help them develop a more nuanced perspective on challenges. This skill allows them to determine the appropriate level of attention, effort, and resources to allocate.

  1. Defining the Size of the Problem:
    • Encourage students to ask themselves questions such as, “How much does this problem affect me or others?” and “How significant are the consequences of this problem?”
    • Introduce the concept of “small problems” that can be handled independently and “big problems” that may require adult assistance or collaborative problem-solving.
  2. Assessing Emotional Impact:
    • Help students recognize the emotional toll different problems can have.
    • Encourage them to consider their emotional reactions and the impact on well-being.

Size of the Problem Activity

To effectively teach students about the size of the problem, we have created a comprehensive lesson plan that incorporates hands-on activities and interactive discussions. This no-prep lesson plan can be adapted to suit your counseling sessions and the unique needs of your students.

Lesson Plan: Determining the Size of the Problem

Objective: To help middle school students identify whether a problem is big or small and understand the appropriate response for each.



  • Begin by engaging students in a discussion about problem-solving and its importance.
  • Explain the concept of determining the size of the problem and finding appropriate solutions.

Small vs. Big Problems

  • Create a two-column chart labeled “Small Problems” and “Big Problems.”
  • Brainstorm with students and list examples under each category, encouraging them to provide real-life scenarios they have encountered.

Worksheet Activity

  • Distribute the “Is this a Big Problem?” worksheet to students.
  • Instruct them to think about the scenarios and categorize them as small or big problems.
  • Consider asking students to provide brief justifications for their choices.

Group Discussion

  • Facilitate a group discussion to share the students’ categorizations and justifications.
  • Encourage students to respect different perspectives and challenge their thinking.

Reflection and Closure

  • Conclude the lesson by encouraging students to reflect on what they have learned about determining the size of the problem.
  • Discuss how this can enhance their problem-solving skills in various aspects of their lives.

Helping Middle Schoolers Determine Size of the Problem

Teaching middle school students to determine the size of the problem is a fundamental step towards developing effective problem-solving skills. By enabling them to differentiate between small and big problems, we empower students to approach challenges with a more strategic mindset. This skill equips them with the ability to allocate appropriate resources, seek assistance when needed, and make informed decisions.

By utilizing the provided lesson plan and engaging activities, you can guide your students through the process of understanding the size of the problem. Remember, fostering problem-solving skills requires ongoing reinforcement and application. Encourage your students to practice assessing the size of problems in their daily lives, reinforcing their ability to adapt and tackle challenges.

With these essential problem-solving skills, our students will grow into resilient individuals who confidently navigate the complexities of life. Let’s equip them with the tools they need to thrive!

Sample Video

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