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Friendship Lesson for High Schoolers

In today’s post, we will delve into a crucial topic: teaching high school students to identify the qualities of a good friend. Nurturing the ability to recognize positive friendship traits can tremendously aid in building and maintaining meaningful friendships.

For this lesson, we’ll utilize a straightforward plan involving no-prep activities and an insightful PDF worksheet from Everyday Speech. Let’s dive in!

Why Teach Students about Qualities of a Good Friend?

Friendship is one of the most rewarding aspects of life. For our high school students, understanding the dynamics of good friendships can play a significant role in their social development. Teaching them to identify the qualities of a good friend helps foster empathy, understanding, and healthy relationships.

Friendship Lesson Plan for High Schoolers

Objective: By the end of the lesson, high school students will be able to identify and describe at least five qualities of a good friend.

Open Discussion about Friendship

Initiate a class or small group conversation about friendship. Ask students to share their thoughts on what makes a good friend. Encourage open, respectful dialogue to create a learning-friendly environment.

Everyday Speech PDF Worksheet

Utilize the Everyday Speech’s PDF worksheet titled “Qualities in a Good Friend.” This worksheet will guide students in identifying and understanding the attributes of a good friend.

Class or Small-Group Discussion

After completing the worksheet, encourage students to share their answers. This exchange can generate meaningful conversations about friendship and understanding. Ask students to reflect on their own friendships. Can they identify these qualities in their friends? How about in themselves? This reflection can promote self-awareness and empathy.

Additional Friendship No-Prep Activity Ideas

Activity 1: Role-Playing

Create scenarios where the qualities of a good friend are either displayed or lacking. Have students role-play these scenarios to further understand these traits.

Activity 2: Friendship Interviews

Students can interview each other about friendship. What do they value in a friend? What qualities do they believe they bring to a friendship?

Activity 3: Class Mural

Create a class mural about friendship. Students can draw or write qualities of a good friend, giving a visual representation of the lesson.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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