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Free Interactive Job Interview Practice for High School Students

Navigating the job market can be daunting for high school students, particularly those in special education programs. As educators, it’s our role to demystify the process and prepare our students for success. This comprehensive guide offers free interactive job interview practice for high school students that focuses on the dos and don’ts of job interviewing, designed with high school special education teachers in mind.

Empowering Students Through Interview Skills

A job interview is a critical step in the employment process. Our students must understand the nuances of interviewing to put their best foot forward. This lesson plan not only equips students with the necessary knowledge but also engages them in a free interactive job interview practice for high school students.

Lesson Plan Overview: Interview Dos and Don’ts

Objective: To help students recognize appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in a job interview.

Materials Needed:Do’s and Don’ts of Job Interviewing‘ interactive activity

Duration: 30 minutes

Introduction to Job Interviewing

  1. Exploring Concepts Begin by discussing what a job interview is and why it’s important. Explain how interviews are opportunities to make a strong first impression.
  2. Group Brainstorm Ask students to brainstorm what they think are good and bad interview practices and list these on the board.

Interactive Activity: Dos and Don’ts in Action

  1. Activity Distribution Display the ‘Do’s and Don’ts of Job Interviewing’ via Smart Board or computer. This activity features two columns for students to categorize behaviors.
  2. Interactive Sorting Students will read through pre-written scenarios and place them in the correct column—either ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t.’
  3. Group Discussion Review the answers as a class, discussing why each behavior is appropriate or not for an interview.

Deep Dive: Role-Playing the Interview

  1. Scenario Assignment Pair students and assign them roles—interviewer and interviewee—with scenarios that have both dos and don’ts.
  2. Role-Play Execution In their pairs, students conduct mock interviews, aiming to display as many ‘Do’ behaviors as possible while avoiding the ‘Don’ts.’
  3. Reflection After the role-play, each student reflects on what they did well and what could be improved.

Class Collaboration: The Feedback Loop

  1. Observer Notes During role-plays, the rest of the class takes notes on the dos and don’ts they observe.
  2. Group Feedback Students provide constructive feedback, citing specific examples of good and poor interview practices they witnessed.
  3. Recap & Review Conclude with a recap of the key learnings and takeaways from the lesson.


Teaching the dos and don’ts of job interviews through interactive practice prepares high school students in special education for real-world challenges. By engaging in this Free Interactive Job Interview Practice for High School Students, they’ll gain confidence and the skills needed to navigate the job market successfully.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Encouraging students to rehearse their interview skills in a supportive, educational environment can make a significant difference in their ability to secure employment post-graduation. Let’s commit to preparing our students not just academically but for life beyond school.

Armed with these strategies and resources, special education teachers can provide students with the tools they need for job interview success. Download the interactive activity sheets, and let’s get started on this journey together!

Sample Video

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