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Free Elementary Winter Gratitude Craft

Are you seeking a heartwarming and meaningful way to instill the spirit of gratitude in your elementary school students during the festive season? Look no further! This lesson plan revolves around a delightful Free Elementary Winter Gratitude Craft by Everyday Speech, designed to spark conversations about thankfulness while fostering creativity. Let’s dive into a lesson that combines creativity, mindfulness, and the joy of giving.

Introduction to Gratitude (Approx. 10 minutes)

Objective: Introduce the concept of gratitude and its importance in our lives.

  1. Opening Discussion: Begin with a simple discussion about what gratitude means. Encourage students to share things they are thankful for. Use relatable examples like family, friends, pets, or even favorite toys.
  2. Interactive Activity: Utilize a short video or story that emphasizes the power of gratitude. This could be a read-aloud session or a video showcasing acts of kindness.

Crafting Our ‘Cup of Gratitude’ (Approx. 20 minutes)

Objective: Engage students in a hands-on activity to create their own ‘Cup of Gratitude.’

  1. Materials Required: Provide each student with the downloadable ‘Cup of Gratitude’ craft by Everyday Speech. Gather scissors, glue, and coloring materials.
  2. Step-by-Step Instructions:
    • Distribute the cup and marshmallow patterns to each student.
    • Instruct them to write things they are grateful for on the marshmallows. Encourage creativity and diversity in their responses.
    • Assist younger students with cutting out the patterns.
    • Assemble the cup and place the gratitude-filled marshmallows inside.

Reflection and Sharing (Approx. 15 minutes)

Objective: Encourage students to reflect on their gratitude and share their creations.

  1. Group Discussion: Initiate a discussion about how the activity made students feel. Encourage them to share what they wrote on their marshmallows and why those things are meaningful to them.
  2. Sharing Time: Create a heartwarming moment by allowing students to share their ‘Cups of Gratitude’ with a friend or family member. This act of sharing reinforces the value of expressing gratitude and spreads joy.

Integration and Extension (Optional)

Objective: Extend the lesson beyond the classroom for continued reflection and engagement.

  1. Take-Home Assignment: Encourage students to continue adding gratitude marshmallows to their cups at home throughout the holiday season. This can be a family activity where they discuss and add new things they are thankful for.
  2. Community Sharing: Consider creating a display of the cups in a communal area of the school, spreading the message of gratitude beyond the classroom walls.

Wrapping Up

Teaching gratitude to elementary students during the holiday season is a gift that keeps on giving. Through the ‘Cup of Gratitude’ activity, students not only create a tangible reminder of their blessings but also experience the joy of sharing and appreciating the little things in life. Download the free craft, gather your supplies, and embark on this heartwarming journey of cultivating gratitude with your students. Happy crafting and spreading gratitude this winter season!

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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