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Free Discussion Prompts for National Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying is a widespread issue that affects countless students each year. As educators, it’s our duty to foster safe and nurturing environments for our students. October, or National Bullying Prevention Month, offers an invaluable opportunity to address this critical topic head-on. In this blog post, we’ll be diving deep into a seamless lesson plan equipped with free discussion prompts for National Bullying Prevention Month. Introducing: Let’s Talk About Bullying.

Lesson Plan Overview:

Objective: Equip students with the knowledge and resources they need to understand, recognize, and combat bullying.

Activity 1: Download & Distribute

To kick-start our lesson, let’s commence with our “Let’s Talk About Bullying” PDF. This downloadable resource is a goldmine for teachers searching for quick, no-prep activity ideas.

Download the Free Discussion Prompts for National Bullying Prevention Month here!

Once downloaded, distribute a copy to each student.

Activity 2: Group Discussions

Divide your students into small groups. Provide each group with the downloaded PDF and have them go through each question prompt. Allocate 15 minutes for discussions.

Sample questions from the PDF:

  1. Do friends ever bully one another?
  2. What are some ways to stand up to bullies?
  3. What would you do if you saw someone being bullied at school?

Activity 3: Share and Reflect

After group discussions, invite a representative from each group to share their key takeaways. As they share, write down common themes on the board. Conclude this activity by having an open conversation about bullying’s real-world implications.

Activity 4: Pledge Against Bullying

Encourage each student to draft a pledge against bullying. They can use the information discussed or their own sentiments. The pledges can then be displayed around the classroom, acting as a constant reminder of their commitment.

Tips for Facilitating the Discussion:

  1. Safe Environment: Ensure students understand that the classroom is a safe place to share, and any form of judgment or ridicule won’t be tolerated.
  2. Empathy: Always encourage students to place themselves in others’ shoes. This helps to nurture empathy and compassion.
  3. Be Inclusive: Give every student an opportunity to voice their opinions. An inclusive environment breeds respect and understanding.

Why This Lesson Plan Works

Bullying can be a sensitive topic for many. But with our “Let’s Talk About Bullying” discussion prompts, educators have a structured, yet flexible guideline to approach this delicate subject. The emphasis on group work ensures every student has a voice, and by the end of the lesson, each will have a deeper understanding of bullying and its consequences.


National Bullying Prevention Month is not just another event in the calendar. It’s a call to action. With our Let’s Talk About Bullying PDF and this comprehensive lesson plan, you have all the resources you need to empower your students to make a positive change.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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