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Lesson Plans

Free Discussion on Building Confidence and Self-Worth in High School

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High school counselors, social workers, and school psychologists play a pivotal role in nurturing the confidence and self-worth of students. This blog offers a comprehensive lesson plan, including a “Free Discussion on Building Confidence and Self-Worth in High School,” designed to help students explore and affirm their positive qualities, achievements, and goals.

Lesson Plan Overview

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Materials: Printable PDF worksheet with discussion prompts

Objective: To enhance students’ self-confidence and sense of self-worth through reflective activities and discussion.

Preparation Steps

  1. Download and print the provided discussion worksheet for each student.
  2. Create a safe, comfortable environment for open discussion.

Lesson Execution

  1. Introduction to Confidence and Self-Worth (5 minutes): Start with a brief talk about the importance of self-confidence and self-worth, explaining how these qualities contribute to personal and academic success.
  2. Worksheet Activity (15 minutes): Distribute the worksheets. Students will reflect on and write down their favorite qualities about themselves, something they’re grateful for, a time they achieved a goal, and one action they can take to make themselves proud.
  3. Group Discussion (15-25 minutes): Facilitate a group discussion using the worksheet responses. Encourage students to share their thoughts and listen to others, fostering a supportive atmosphere.


This lesson plan, with its focus on self-reflection and discussion, offers a valuable approach for high school specialists and school-based mental health professionals seeking to boost their students’ confidence and self-worth. The “Free Discussion on Building Confidence and Self-Worth in High School” worksheet provides a structured yet flexible framework for meaningful conversation and personal growth.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video-modeling lesson below. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 30 days here!

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