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Elementary End of the Year SEL Craft: Ice Cream Sundae Activity

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As the school year draws to a close, it’s a wonderful opportunity for elementary teachers to help students reflect on their experiences and celebrate their achievements. One engaging and creative way to do this is through this elementary end of the year SEL craft. The Ice Cream Sundae from Everyday Speech allows students to reflect on their favorite memories, what they’ll miss, and their summer plans, among other prompts. This blog post will provide a detailed lesson plan and no-prep activity ideas to facilitate this fun and meaningful end-of-year activity.

Why SEL Activities Are Important

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) activities, like the Ice Cream Sundae, help students:

  • Reflect on their experiences and express their feelings.
  • Foster a sense of closure and celebrate accomplishments.
  • Encourage creativity and personal expression.
  • Build a sense of community and shared experiences among classmates.

Introducing the Ice Cream Sundae SEL Craft

The Ice Cream Sundae craft involves students creating a paper sundae, with each scoop representing a different reflection prompt. This activity not only promotes self-awareness and reflection but also adds an element of fun to the end-of-year celebrations.

Lesson Plan: Ice Cream Sundae SEL Craft


By the end of the lesson, students will have created an ice cream sundae craft that reflects their thoughts and feelings about the school year.

Materials Needed

  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Markers or crayons
  • Printable templates (available from Everyday Speech)


30-45 minutes

Activity Steps

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

Introduce the activity by explaining the purpose of reflecting on the school year. Discuss how each scoop of the ice cream sundae will represent a different aspect of their experiences, such as favorite memories, things they’ll miss, and summer plans.

2. Distribute Materials (5 minutes)

Hand out the printable ice cream scoop templates, scissors, glue or tape, and markers. Ensure each student has the materials they need to complete the craft.

3. Explain the Prompts (10 minutes)

Discuss each reflection prompt and provide examples. Prompts can include:

  • Favorite Memory: What was the best part of this school year?
  • What I’ll Miss: What will you miss the most about this class?
  • Summer Plans: What are you looking forward to doing this summer?
  • Something I Learned: What is one thing you learned this year that you will always remember?
4. Create the Ice Cream Scoops (20 minutes)

Instruct students to write their responses to each prompt on different ice cream scoops. Encourage them to make their sundae unique!

5. Assemble the Sundae (10 minutes)

Once complete, have students cut them out and glue or tape them into the shape of a sundae.

6. Share and Reflect (10 minutes)

Allow students to share their sundaes with the class. This can be done in small groups or as a whole class activity. Encourage students to discuss their reflections and listen to each other’s experiences.

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The Ice Cream Sundae SEL craft is a delightful and meaningful way to wrap up the school year. By encouraging students to reflect on their experiences and share their thoughts, teachers can foster a sense of closure and celebration. This activity not only promotes social-emotional learning but also creates lasting memories for students. Implementing this lesson plan and no-prep activities will ensure a positive and engaging end-of-year experience for your elementary students.

Sample Video

Students learn best from watching real students their own age model skills. Try out this sample video lesson. We offer our entire Social-Emotional Learning platform free for 14 days here!

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