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No-Prep Activity

Teaching Cyber Skills for Online Safety in Middle School

Teaching Cyber Skills for Online Safety in Middle School


Nowadays, phones and social media have become an integral part of our daily lives. As educators, it’s essential to teach our middle school students about the importance of Cyber Skills, which are smart ways to use technology to communicate with others and stay safe. This blog post will provide an overview of Cyber Skills, a no-prep activity, discussion questions, related skills, and next steps for further exploration of this crucial topic.

No-Prep Activity: Cyber Skills Scenarios

This activity requires no preparation or materials and is designed to help students understand and practice Cyber Skills in a fun and engaging way. Begin by dividing the class into small groups. Provide each group with a few scenarios that involve using phones or social media, and challenge them to identify potential risks and suggest ways to apply Cyber Skills to mitigate those risks.

Some example scenarios could include:

  • A student receives a friend request from someone they don’t know.
  • A classmate shares a photo of a fun event, but the location is tagged.
  • Someone in an online game wants to meet in person.

After discussing the scenarios, have each group present their findings and suggestions to the class. This will help reinforce the importance of Cyber Skills and create a collaborative learning environment.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important to only communicate with people you know on social media and online games?
  2. How can setting your social media pages to private help protect your personal information?
  3. What are some potential risks of tagging your location in social media posts?
  4. Why is it important to involve a trusted adult if you encounter something suspicious online?
  5. What are some other ways you can practice Cyber Skills to stay safe online?

Related Skills

Teaching Cyber Skills is an important aspect of Social-Emotional Learning. In addition to Cyber Skills, there are other related skills that can help students navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. Some of these skills include:

  • Digital Citizenship: Understanding the rights and responsibilities of being a responsible and respectful member of the digital community.
  • Media Literacy: Developing critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate media messages and content.
  • Privacy Management: Learning how to manage personal information and digital footprints online.

Next Steps

Now that you have a better understanding of Cyber Skills and their importance in middle school education, it’s time to dive deeper into this topic and explore additional resources. To help you get started, we encourage you to sign up for free samples of skill-based activities and materials at Everyday Speech. These resources will provide you with tools and strategies to further enhance your students’ understanding of Cyber Skills and other essential Social-Emotional Learning skills.

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