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Seated Stretching Exercises for Students: Relaxation and Focus in the Classroom

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Seated Stretching Exercises for Students: Relaxation and Focus in the Classroom


Stretching exercises are not only beneficial for the body, but they also help in calming the mind and promoting relaxation. Incorporating simple stretching exercises into the classroom can improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore a seated stretching activity that can be done right from the students’ desks, along with discussion questions, related skills, and how to access free sample materials for further exploration.

No-Prep Activity: Seated Stretching for Relaxation and Focus

This activity requires no preparation or materials and can be done right from the students’ desks. It involves a series of stretching exercises that help relax the body and calm the mind. Follow these steps to guide your students through the activity:

  1. Ensure that students are sitting up straight at their desks or tables, with their feet on the ground.
  2. Encourage them to take three deep breaths in and out, focusing on relaxing their bodies.
  3. Guide students through a series of neck stretches, moving their heads slowly from side to side and then in circular motions. Be sure to have them reverse the direction of the circles.
  4. Next, have students extend their arms straight out in front of them, parallel to the ground, and slowly roll their wrists in small circles. Reverse the circles and repeat a few times.
  5. If there is enough space, instruct students to make slow, wide circles with their arms, feeling the muscles in their arms stretching. Reverse the direction of the circles and repeat.
  6. For a shoulder stretch, have students carefully bring one arm across their body and hold it with the other arm. Count down from five and then release. Repeat with the other arm.
  7. Finally, encourage students to reach their arms up high, interlace their fingers, and stretch from one side to the other, feeling the stretch in their sides.

By incorporating these simple stretching exercises into the classroom routine, students can experience a sense of relaxation and improved focus, fostering a positive learning environment.

Discussion Questions

Use these questions to stimulate further discussions among students about the benefits of stretching exercises and their impact on learning:

  1. How did the stretching exercises make you feel, both physically and mentally?
  2. Why do you think it is important to include stretching and relaxation exercises in our daily routines?
  3. Can you think of other situations where practicing these stretching exercises might be helpful?
  4. What are some other strategies you can use to relax and focus during class?
  5. How can incorporating relaxation techniques, like stretching, contribute to a positive classroom environment?

Next Steps

Interested in exploring more activities and resources to support the development of SEL skills in your students? Sign up for free sample materials from Everyday Speech, which offers a range of engaging and effective resources for educators. By incorporating SEL activities into your classroom, you can help students develop essential life skills, promote a positive learning environment, and set them up for success both in and out of the classroom.

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