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No-Prep Activity

Checking In: Evaluating Relationships for Healthy Connections

Checking In: Evaluating Relationships for Healthy Connections


As educators, it is essential to promote healthy relationships among students by teaching them how to evaluate their connections with others. By incorporating Social-Emotional Learning principles, students can learn to check in with themselves and ask, “Is this relationship working for me?” This blog post will discuss an easy, no-prep activity to help students recognize red flags and warning signs in relationships, as well as provide discussion questions and additional resources for further exploration.

No-Prep Activity: The Relationship Check-In

This simple activity requires no preparation or materials and can be easily implemented in the classroom or one-on-one sessions. Have students reflect on a relationship they have (it can be a friendship or a romantic connection) and ask themselves the following questions:

  1. Do I feel comfortable and safe in this relationship?
  2. Is there mutual trust, respect, and loyalty between us?
  3. Do I feel anxious, uncomfortable, or stressed when I’m with this person?
  4. Am I able to communicate openly and honestly about my feelings and concerns?
  5. Do I still feel attracted or interested in this person, or do I see them more as a friend?

Encourage students to be honest with themselves and use their answers as a starting point for evaluating the health of their relationships.

Discussion Questions

  1. What are some examples of red flags or warning signs in a relationship? How can you identify them?
  2. Why is it important to check in with yourself and evaluate your relationships regularly?
  3. How can communication play a role in addressing small issues or misunderstandings in a relationship?
  4. What strategies can you use to address or resolve conflicts in a relationship?
  5. How can the “Three Strikes You’re Out” rule be applied to help maintain healthy boundaries in relationships?

Related Skills

In addition to evaluating relationships, there are several other relevant skills that students can benefit from learning and practicing. These include:

  • Effective communication skills
  • Conflict resolution strategies
  • Setting and maintaining personal boundaries
  • Recognizing and managing emotions
  • Building empathy and understanding towards others

Next Steps

Helping students develop the skills to evaluate their relationships and recognize red flags is an essential part of fostering healthy connections. To further explore this topic and other related skills, we encourage you to sign up for free sample materials at Everyday Speech. These resources can provide valuable tools and strategies for teaching students how to maintain healthy relationships and navigate social situations effectively.

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