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What Are SEL Learning Standards?

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The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law that allows states to independently decide how to account for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) standards in schools. Research demonstrates that standards-based instruction is essential for guiding the planning, implementation, and assessment of student learning (Wallace).

Benefits of Standards-Based Instruction
Educational standards streamline instruction, keeping teaching aligned with specific learning goals and fostering consistency across classrooms (Wallace). This approach supports higher-level skill acquisition and ensures that teaching remains focused and effective.

The Rise of SEL in Education
According to CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), the number of states prioritizing SEL has surged significantly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic (Bunting). Illinois has been at the forefront of this movement, becoming the first state to establish statewide SEL learning standards in 2003. Additionally, Illinois remains one of the few states to develop SEL standards for both preschool and K-12 education (ISBE).

The Illinois Model: A Pioneer in SEL
The Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003 led the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to adopt the Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Standards. These standards include specific goals, age-appropriate benchmarks, and performance descriptors. Developed in partnership with CASEL and the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership, these standards serve as a comprehensive guide for SEL instruction (ISBE).

Everyday Speech’s Alignment with SEL Standards
The whole class lessons track in Everyday Speech’s curriculum aligns with the Illinois State Board of Education’s SEL Standards. Each lesson includes an Illinois State Learning Standard, a Learning Benchmark, and a Performance Descriptor. 

These resources are accessible in the Teaching Tool tab of every lesson and in all printable lesson plans, enabling educators to:

  • Plan lessons
  • Write goals
  • Monitor progress
  • Promote school-wide cohesion

By providing these tools, Everyday Speech supports educators in meeting SEL standards effectively while fostering student growth.

What is Everyday Speech?

Everyday Speech is a no-prep digital curriculum that combines evidence-based video modeling, interactive web games, and digital and printable worksheets to make teaching social skills easy.


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