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Understanding IEP Goals: A Guide to Comprehension Strategies

Understanding IEP Goals: A Guide to Comprehension Strategies

Understanding IEP Goals: A Guide to Comprehension Strategies

As a Speech Language Pathologist and Social Emotional Learning expert, I understand the importance of supporting students with Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. In this blog post, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding IEP goals and how to incorporate effective comprehension strategies. By the end of this post, you will have the tools and knowledge to create meaningful and impactful goals for your students.

What are IEP goals?

Before we dive into comprehension strategies, let’s first establish what IEP goals are and their purpose. IEP goals are specific objectives that are designed to address the unique needs of students with disabilities. These goals are developed collaboratively by the IEP team, which includes educators, parents, and other professionals.

An IEP goal typically consists of three components: the behavior or skill to be targeted, the conditions under which the behavior or skill will be demonstrated, and the criteria for success. These goals are individualized to meet the specific needs of each student, taking into account their strengths, challenges, and areas for growth.

It is crucial to recognize the importance of individualized goals in an IEP. By tailoring goals to the unique needs of each student, we can provide targeted support and interventions that will maximize their learning potential.

Why is comprehension important in IEP goals?

Comprehension is a fundamental skill that plays a vital role in a student’s academic success. Difficulties with comprehension can significantly impact a student’s ability to understand and retain information, follow instructions, and participate actively in classroom activities.

Research has shown a strong connection between comprehension skills and overall academic achievement. Students who struggle with comprehension may experience difficulties in reading, writing, and even in other subject areas such as math and science. By addressing comprehension difficulties in IEP goals, we can provide targeted interventions to support students in their learning journey.

Strategies for improving comprehension in IEP goals

Now that we understand the importance of comprehension in IEP goals, let’s explore some effective strategies that can be incorporated into these goals.

Pre-reading strategies

Pre-reading strategies help students activate their prior knowledge, preview text features, and set a purpose for reading. These strategies lay the foundation for successful comprehension by preparing students to engage with the text.

One effective pre-reading strategy is activating prior knowledge. Encourage students to connect what they already know about a topic to the new information they will encounter in the text. This helps them make meaningful connections and enhances their understanding.

Another pre-reading strategy is previewing text features. Teach students to examine headings, subheadings, bolded words, and other text features to gain a sense of the structure and organization of the text. This helps them anticipate what they will learn and improves their comprehension.

Setting a purpose for reading is another valuable pre-reading strategy. Guide students to identify why they are reading a particular text. Are they reading for information, entertainment, or to answer specific questions? This helps students focus their attention and actively engage with the text.

During-reading strategies

During-reading strategies help students monitor their comprehension, ask questions, and make connections as they read. These strategies promote active engagement and deeper understanding of the text.

Monitoring comprehension is a crucial during-reading strategy. Teach students to be aware of their understanding as they read and to identify when they encounter difficulties. Encourage them to use strategies such as rereading, paraphrasing, and visualizing to enhance their comprehension.

Asking questions is another powerful during-reading strategy. Encourage students to ask themselves questions about the text, such as “What is the main idea?” or “Why did the character make that decision?” This helps them actively process the information and make connections.

Making connections is a strategy that helps students relate the text to their own experiences, other texts, or the world around them. Encourage students to make personal connections, text-to-text connections, and text-to-world connections. This deepens their understanding and promotes critical thinking.

Post-reading strategies

Post-reading strategies help students summarize the text, reflect on their learning, and make predictions about future reading. These strategies consolidate their understanding and promote metacognition.

Summarizing is a valuable post-reading strategy. Teach students to identify the main ideas and key details of the text and to express them concisely in their own words. This helps them consolidate their understanding and remember the most important information.

Reflecting and evaluating their learning is another important post-reading strategy. Encourage students to think about what they have learned from the text, what they found interesting or surprising, and how the information connects to their prior knowledge. This promotes metacognition and deepens their understanding.

Making predictions is a strategy that encourages students to think about what might happen next in a story or what they might learn in future reading. This helps them engage with the text beyond the immediate context and promotes critical thinking.

Collaborating with the IEP team

Creating effective IEP goals requires collaboration and teamwork. As educators, it is essential to work closely with parents, caregivers, and other professionals to ensure that goals are meaningful, achievable, and aligned with the student’s needs.

Communicating with parents and caregivers is a crucial aspect of collaboration. Regularly update them on the student’s progress, involve them in goal-setting discussions, and seek their input and feedback. This partnership fosters a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

Involving the student in goal-setting is equally important. Encourage students to reflect on their own strengths, challenges, and goals. By involving them in the process, we empower them to take ownership of their learning and promote self-advocacy skills.

Monitoring and assessing progress

Monitoring and assessing progress is an ongoing process that ensures that IEP goals are effective and meaningful. By collecting data on comprehension skills and tracking progress, we can make informed decisions and make adjustments as needed.

Collecting data on comprehension skills can be done through various methods, such as observations, informal assessments, and progress monitoring tools. This data provides valuable insights into the student’s strengths, challenges, and progress towards their goals.

Tracking progress towards IEP goals is essential to ensure that interventions and strategies are effective. Regularly review and analyze the data collected, and use it to inform instructional decisions and make adjustments to goals and interventions as needed.

Remember, the IEP is a living document that can be revised and updated as the student’s needs change. By regularly monitoring and assessing progress, we can ensure that goals remain relevant and meaningful throughout the student’s educational journey.


Understanding IEP goals and incorporating effective comprehension strategies is crucial for supporting students with disabilities. By addressing comprehension difficulties in IEP goals, we can provide targeted interventions that promote academic success and overall well-being.

Remember, collaboration and ongoing support are key to implementing effective IEP goals. Work closely with the IEP team, communicate with parents and caregivers, and involve the student in goal-setting discussions. Together, we can create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential.

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