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Fun and Interactive Online Communication Games for Students

Fun and Interactive Online Communication Games for Students

Fun and Interactive Online Communication Games for Students

As a Speech Language Pathologist and Social Emotional Learning expert, I understand the importance of social-emotional development in students. Communication skills play a vital role in this development, as they are essential for building relationships, expressing emotions, and resolving conflicts. In today’s digital age, online communication games provide a fun and interactive way for students to enhance their communication skills. In this blog post, I will introduce you to some exciting online communication games that can benefit your students.

Benefits of Online Communication Games

Online communication games offer numerous benefits for students. They not only improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills but also promote active listening, empathy, collaboration, teamwork, self-confidence, and self-expression. These games provide a safe and engaging environment for students to practice and develop their communication skills. Let’s explore some of the most effective online communication games for students.

Fun and Interactive Online Communication Games

Game 1: “Would You Rather?”

“Would You Rather?” is a popular game that presents players with two challenging options and asks them to choose one. This game encourages decision-making and communication skills as students have to explain their choices and provide reasons. Online platforms or apps such as “Kahoot!” and “Quizizz” offer interactive versions of this game that can be played with multiple participants. These platforms provide a wide range of pre-made questions or allow you to create your own, making it easy to customize the game according to your students’ needs.

Game 2: “Two Truths and a Lie”

“Two Truths and a Lie” is a game where players share three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one that is false. The other players have to guess which statement is the lie. This game promotes critical thinking and effective communication skills as students have to craft believable statements and convince others of their authenticity. Online platforms like “Icebreaker” and “Mentimeter” offer interactive versions of this game that can be played virtually. These platforms provide features like real-time voting and commenting, making the game more engaging and interactive.

Game 3: “Emoji Storytelling”

“Emoji Storytelling” is a game where students use emojis to create and share stories. Each student takes turns adding an emoji to the story, building upon what the previous person contributed. This game enhances emotional expression and communication skills as students have to interpret and convey emotions through emojis. Online platforms such as “Padlet” and “Google Jamboard” provide collaborative spaces where students can create and share their emoji stories. These platforms allow for real-time collaboration and provide a visual representation of the story, making it more engaging for students.

Game 4: “Guess the Emotion”

“Guess the Emotion” is a game where students have to identify and describe different emotions based on facial expressions or scenarios. This game develops emotional intelligence and communication skills as students learn to recognize and articulate various emotions. Online platforms like “Flippity” and “Quizlet” offer interactive versions of this game that can be played virtually. These platforms provide flashcards or quizzes with images or scenarios, allowing students to practice identifying and describing emotions in a fun and interactive way.

Tips for Incorporating Online Communication Games

When incorporating online communication games into your teaching practice, it’s essential to follow these tips:

Setting clear objectives and expectations:

Before playing any game, clearly communicate the objectives and expectations to your students. Let them know what specific communication skills they will be practicing and what outcomes you expect from the game.

Creating a safe and inclusive virtual environment:

Ensure that the virtual environment is safe and inclusive for all students. Set ground rules for respectful communication and encourage students to listen actively, respect others’ opinions, and create a supportive atmosphere.

Providing feedback and reinforcement:

Offer feedback and reinforcement throughout the game to help students improve their communication skills. Recognize and praise their efforts, provide constructive feedback, and encourage reflection on their communication strategies.

Encouraging reflection and discussion:

After playing each game, encourage students to reflect on their communication experiences. Ask them to discuss what worked well, what challenges they faced, and how they can apply their learning in real-life situations.


Social-emotional learning and communication skills are crucial for students’ overall development. Online communication games provide a fun and interactive way for students to enhance their communication skills while enjoying the benefits of technology. By incorporating games like “Would You Rather?”, “Two Truths and a Lie”, “Emoji Storytelling”, and “Guess the Emotion”, you can create engaging learning experiences that promote social-emotional growth. Start exploring these online communication games and witness the positive impact they have on your students’ communication skills and overall well-being.

Ready to get started? Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and unlock a wide range of online communication games and resources to support your students’ social-emotional learning journey.

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