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Free Preschool Sharing Material

Who doesn’t need more free preschool sharing material? One of the most important friendship skills young children learn is sharing. It can also be one of the most difficult to learn but use our top three tips to encourage sharing below!

How to Encourage Sharing for Preschool Age Students

It’s natural for preschool age students to be unwilling or afraid to share. It takes time to learn to shift the perspective of “I” and “mine” to thinking about others and their wants and needs. It’s our job as adults to help teach these skills and point them out in order for our early learners to learn and grow into caring friends.

Lesson Plan – Using Your Free Preschool Sharing Material

1. Model it yourself during the day

Kids pick up what we do, so be sure to incorporate sharing throughout your day! Encourage parents or guardians of little ones to share often at home and talk about it when they do.

2. Use timers

It might be scary or confusing to understand that when you offer up a toy to share, you will get it back. Set timers as a way to make it clear that once a toy is shared, it is expected that it will be returned. This can lessen the fear, anxiety, or confusion.

3. Talk about it often & broaden the meaning

Make the word sharing part of the everyday vocabulary. Help students understand that we can share more than just toys. We can share space, an activity, and time together.

Sample Preschool Sharing Video:

Video modeling lessons are an evidence-based way to model and teach new skills. Everyday Speech provides an entire library of over 600 video modeling lessons, with accompanying games and worksheets. We offer a 30 day free trial for all of our social skills materials if you’d like to check more of them out!

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