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Enhancing Instruction: Step-by-Step Lesson Plan for Following Directions

Enhancing Instruction: Step-by-Step Lesson Plan for Following Directions

Enhancing Instruction: Step-by-Step Lesson Plan for Following Directions


Following directions is a crucial skill that we use in our daily lives. From completing tasks at work to navigating through a new city, the ability to understand and execute instructions is essential. As speech-language pathologists, we play a vital role in enhancing instruction and helping individuals develop this skill. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step lesson plan for teaching individuals to follow one to two-step directions.

Understanding the Basics:

Before we dive into the lesson plan, let’s first understand the basics of following directions. One to two-step directions refer to instructions that involve completing one or two actions in a specific order. Comprehension and execution of these directions are crucial for effective communication and task completion. However, many individuals face challenges in following directions, which can impact their academic, social, and daily living skills.

Preparing for the Lesson:

Before starting the lesson, it is important to assess the individual’s current abilities in following directions. This will help you identify their strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, you should establish specific goals and objectives for the lesson, ensuring that they are tailored to the individual’s needs. Lastly, gather any necessary materials and resources that will support the lesson, such as visual aids, gestures, and multi-sensory activities.

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan:

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step lesson plan for teaching individuals to follow one to two-step directions.

1. Warm-up activities:

Engage and focus the individual by starting the lesson with warm-up activities. These activities can include games, puzzles, or interactive exercises that stimulate their cognitive and language skills.

2. Introduction of one-step directions:

Begin by introducing one-step directions. Ensure that your instructions are clear and concise, using simple language that the individual can understand. Use visual aids and gestures to support their comprehension, as these can enhance understanding and retention. Start with simple directions and gradually increase the complexity and length of the instructions as the individual becomes more proficient.

3. Practice activities for one-step directions:

Engage the individual in practice activities that focus on following one-step directions. Incorporate multi-sensory approaches, such as using manipulatives or real-life objects, to make the activities more interactive and engaging. Provide immediate feedback and reinforcement to encourage the individual’s progress and build their confidence.

4. Introduction of two-step directions:

Once the individual has mastered one-step directions, introduce two-step directions. Break down the directions into sequential steps, ensuring that each step is clear and understandable. Utilize visual supports and prompts, such as pictures or written cues, to assist with comprehension. Encourage active listening and comprehension by asking the individual to repeat the directions or summarize them in their own words.

5. Practice activities for two-step directions:

Provide practice activities that focus on following two-step directions. Incorporate real-life scenarios and contexts to make the activities more meaningful and relatable. Encourage problem-solving and critical thinking skills by presenting situations where the individual needs to apply the directions to solve a problem or complete a task.

Monitoring Progress and Adjustments:

Throughout the lesson, it is important to regularly assess the individual’s performance to monitor their progress. Modify the lesson plan based on their individual needs, adjusting the complexity or pace of the activities as necessary. Collaborate with other professionals and caregivers involved in the individual’s education or therapy to ensure a holistic approach to their development.


In conclusion, following directions is a vital skill that individuals need to navigate through various aspects of life. By implementing this step-by-step lesson plan, you can effectively teach individuals to follow one to two-step directions. Remember, consistent practice and reinforcement are key to mastering this skill. If you or someone you know is struggling with following directions, seek professional support from a speech-language pathologist. Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and begin enhancing your instruction.

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