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IEP Goals and Objectives

Effective IEP Goals for Developing Self-Controller Scanner Skills in PreK Students

Effective IEP Goals for Developing Self-Controller Scanner Skills in PreK Students

Special education professionals play a crucial role in helping students develop skills that support their learning, social interactions, and wellbeing. One such skill is the ability to control thoughts and feelings, which can be developed through the use of a Self-Controller Scanner.

Understanding the Self-Controller Scanner Skill

The Self-Controller Scanner skill enables students to monitor their emotions and thoughts, identify when they are losing control, and apply strategies to regain control. This skill is important for maintaining focus, ensuring effective communication, and promoting emotional wellbeing in social and educational settings.

The Role of Specialists

Various specialists can support the development of the Self-Controller Scanner skill in students:

  • Speech-Language Pathologists can help students develop communication strategies for expressing their emotions and needs in a controlled manner.
  • Social Workers can work with students to identify triggers and develop coping mechanisms to maintain control in social situations.
  • Psychologists can provide guidance on the cognitive processes involved in self-regulation and offer strategies for managing emotions and thoughts.
  • School Counselors can collaborate with students to create individualized plans for implementing and practicing Self-Controller Scanner strategies in various contexts.

IEP Goals for Self-Controller Scanner Skill

Below are some specific SMART IEP goals to improve the Self-Controller Scanner skill in students:

  1. Goal: The student will use the Self-Controller Scanner to identify when they are losing control in 4 out of 5 instances within a 6-week period.

    • Strategy: Teach the student to recognize physical and emotional cues that signal loss of control.
    • Activity: Practice role-playing scenarios where the student identifies cues and applies the Self-Controller Scanner.
  2. Goal: The student will select and apply an appropriate strategy to regain control in 3 out of 4 instances within a 6-week period.

    • Strategy: Provide a list of strategies for regaining control and teach the student to choose the most suitable one for a given situation.
    • Activity: Use visual aids and social stories to help the student understand and practice different strategies.
  3. Goal: The student will independently seek adult assistance when needed to regain control in 2 out of 3 instances within a 6-week period.

    • Strategy: Teach the student to recognize when they need help and how to ask for it effectively.
    • Activity: Practice role-playing scenarios where the student requests help from an adult to regain control.

Implementing and Measuring Progress

For successful implementation and progress measurement, consider the following tips:

  • Collaborate with the student and their support team to ensure a consistent approach to skill development.
  • Monitor the student’s progress through regular observations and data collection.
  • Adjust goals and strategies as needed based on the student’s progress and individual needs.
  • Offer positive reinforcement and feedback to encourage the student’s continued growth and development.


Developing the Self-Controller Scanner skill is essential for PreK students’ success in both educational and social settings. By implementing effective IEP goals and collaborating with specialists, educators can help students develop and master this crucial skill. To explore more resources and sample materials, visit Everyday Speech Sample Materials.

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