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Update: New Platform Features

We’re so excited to share our new features, designed to save you oodles of prep and planning time, along with making remote learning a breeze!

Send Work Home

You can now share materials with students directly without having them create an account. Students will be able to watch videos as homework or complete assignments on their own as part of their remote learning. You can assign material individually or to a group by creating group profiles (like ‘My 3rd graders’) and adding students to each one.

with this new feature, see how to send work home with shareable links

Track Student Work

Everytime you assign work, your students mark it as done, so you can receive a report of which students viewed or completed their work. We’ll save the complete history of all completed work you’ve done with your students so you know who completed it and when.

with this new feature, track homework assignments and be notified when students mark them done.

Add Student Profiles

Make sure to add your students’ names to the platform so you can mark materials as seen and view a record of their completed work. You can also organize your students by groups! Think of the time you’ll save come progress report time now that you have a printable record of everything your students have worked on!

Add student names to the platform to share materials and track work progress. Add them to groups for easy management.

We hope these new additions save you tons of planning, prep, and progress monitoring time!

Happy teaching!

Brittany & the Everyday Speech team

The Social Learning Platform has been a true life saver for me, both with time management (I can easily filter exactly what I need from a wealth of choices) and materials that are of exceptional quality and interest to students of all ages. I love how I can create folders of specific materials for each student and I can easily screen share and have the videos, games and worksheets on the screen for my students to engage with.

– A. Waldmann, M.S., CCC-SLP

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