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Fun Social Skills Videos for Kindergarten: Building Relationships and Communication

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Fun Social Skills Videos for Kindergarten: Building Relationships and Communication

As a Speech Language Pathologist and Social Emotional Learning expert, I understand the importance of social skills development in kindergarten. Building relationships and effective communication are crucial skills that lay the foundation for a child’s future success. One effective tool that can assist in teaching these skills is social skills videos. In this blog post, I will explore the benefits of using social skills videos in kindergarten and provide some fun and engaging videos that can be incorporated into daily classroom activities.

Understanding Social Skills

Social skills can be defined as the abilities that enable individuals to interact and communicate effectively with others. In kindergarten, children are just beginning to develop these skills and need guidance to navigate social situations. Some key social skills for kindergarten children include sharing, making friends, listening, taking turns, and problem-solving. By developing these skills at an early age, children are better equipped to handle social interactions and build positive relationships throughout their lives.

Incorporating Social Skills Videos in Kindergarten

Social skills videos are an effective tool for teaching social skills to kindergarten children. Videos provide visual and auditory stimulation, making it easier for children to understand and absorb the information. When selecting videos, it is important to consider the content, length, and age-appropriateness. Look for videos that are engaging, interactive, and present social skills in a relatable and fun manner.

Integrating videos into daily classroom activities is a great way to reinforce social skills learning. Start by introducing the video as a group activity, allowing children to watch and discuss the content together. After watching the video, engage the children in a discussion about the social skills portrayed and how they can apply them in their own lives. Follow-up activities, such as role-playing, art projects, or writing exercises, can further reinforce the social skills learned from the videos.

Fun Social Skills Videos for Kindergarten

Here are some fun social skills videos that are perfect for kindergarten children:

Video 1: “Sharing is Caring”

This video teaches the importance of sharing and taking turns. It features relatable characters and engaging visuals to capture the children’s attention. The key social skills addressed in this video are sharing, patience, and empathy. After watching the video, encourage the children to discuss times when they have shared with others and how it made them feel. You can also set up a sharing activity in the classroom where children take turns using a special toy or object.

Video 2: “Making Friends”

In this video, children learn about the qualities of a good friend and how to make new friends. The video showcases different scenarios where children can practice their social skills, such as introducing themselves, finding common interests, and being kind. After watching the video, have a group discussion about what makes a good friend and encourage the children to share their own experiences of making friends. You can also organize a “Friendship Day” where children engage in activities that promote friendship and teamwork.

Video 3: “Listening and Taking Turns”

This video focuses on the importance of active listening and taking turns in conversations. It demonstrates effective listening skills, such as making eye contact, nodding, and responding appropriately. After watching the video, engage the children in a discussion about the importance of listening and taking turns. You can also play games that require turn-taking, such as passing a ball around the circle and taking turns speaking during group discussions.

Video 4: “Problem Solving”

This video teaches children how to solve problems and conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner. It presents different scenarios where children can practice problem-solving skills, such as compromising, brainstorming solutions, and using “I” statements. After watching the video, encourage the children to discuss their own experiences with problem-solving and brainstorm solutions to common conflicts they may encounter. You can also provide opportunities for children to role-play different conflict scenarios and practice problem-solving techniques.

Additional Resources for Social Skills Development

In addition to social skills videos, there are several websites and apps that offer a wide range of resources for social skills development in kindergarten. Some popular websites include EverydaySpeech, Social Thinking, and Super Duper Publications. These websites provide videos, worksheets, and interactive activities that can be used in the classroom or at home.

Books and other materials can also be valuable resources for further learning. Look for books that focus on social skills, friendship, and emotions. Reading these books aloud to the children and engaging in discussions can help reinforce social skills concepts and promote empathy and understanding.


Developing social skills in kindergarten is essential for building relationships and effective communication. By incorporating social skills videos into daily classroom activities, children can learn and practice these skills in a fun and engaging way. Remember to select age-appropriate videos, facilitate group discussions, and provide follow-up activities to reinforce the social skills learned. By investing in social skills development at an early age, we are setting our children up for success in their future relationships and interactions.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial here and discover a wide range of social skills videos for kindergarten.


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