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Exploring Kindness and Empathy: Recommended Videos for Elementary School

Exploring Kindness and Empathy: Recommended Videos for Elementary School

Exploring Kindness and Empathy: Recommended Videos for Elementary School

Welcome to my blog post on teaching kindness and empathy in elementary school through the use of videos. In today’s fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to cultivate these essential social emotional skills in our children. Videos can be a powerful tool in promoting social emotional learning and helping students understand the importance of kindness and empathy. In this blog post, I will provide you with a selection of recommended videos for teaching kindness and empathy in elementary school.

Understanding Kindness and Empathy

Before we dive into the videos, let’s first understand what kindness and empathy mean. Kindness is the act of being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others. It involves showing compassion and empathy towards others and treating them with respect and understanding.

Empathy, on the other hand, is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. Empathy allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and respond to their needs with compassion and understanding.

Fostering kindness and empathy in children has numerous benefits. It helps create a positive and inclusive classroom environment, improves relationships with peers and adults, reduces bullying and aggression, and promotes overall well-being and mental health.

Selecting Appropriate Videos

When choosing videos to teach kindness and empathy to elementary school students, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, the content should be age-appropriate and suitable for the developmental level of the students. It should be engaging and capture their attention while conveying important messages about kindness and empathy.

Secondly, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the videos. Look for videos that have clear and relatable messages, realistic scenarios, and diverse characters. The videos should also provide opportunities for reflection and discussion, allowing students to connect the content to their own lives and experiences.

Recommended Videos for Teaching Kindness and Empathy

Now, let’s explore some recommended videos for teaching kindness and empathy in elementary school:

Video 1: [Title]

[Brief description of the video]

This video explores the importance of kindness and empathy through relatable characters and engaging storytelling. It highlights the impact of small acts of kindness and encourages students to think about how their actions can make a difference in the lives of others. After watching the video, educators and parents can facilitate discussions on the key messages and themes, encouraging students to share their own experiences and ideas for promoting kindness and empathy.

Video 2: [Title]

[Brief description of the video]

This video focuses on empathy and understanding others’ perspectives. It follows the journey of a character who learns the importance of empathy and how it can help build strong relationships and resolve conflicts. Educators and parents can use this video as a starting point for discussions on empathy, encouraging students to reflect on their own experiences and practice empathy in their daily lives.

Video 3: [Title]

[Brief description of the video]

This video explores the concept of kindness and empathy through real-life examples and inspiring stories. It showcases individuals who have made a positive impact on others through acts of kindness and encourages students to think about how they can contribute to a kinder and more empathetic world. After watching the video, educators and parents can facilitate discussions on the key messages and themes, encouraging students to brainstorm ideas for acts of kindness in their own communities.

Incorporating Videos into Social Emotional Learning

Using videos effectively in the classroom requires thoughtful planning and facilitation. Here are some strategies for incorporating videos into social emotional learning:

  • Preview the video beforehand to ensure its suitability and relevance to the lesson objectives.
  • Set clear expectations for behavior and active listening during the video.
  • Pause the video at strategic points to ask questions and encourage reflection.
  • After watching the video, facilitate meaningful discussions by asking open-ended questions and encouraging students to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Follow up with activities that reinforce the concepts of kindness and empathy, such as role-playing, journaling, or collaborative projects.

Additional Resources for Teaching Kindness and Empathy

In addition to videos, there are various other resources available to support the teaching of kindness and empathy:

  • Websites and online platforms: Explore websites and online platforms that offer video resources, lesson plans, and activities focused on kindness and empathy.
  • Books and literature: Complement video-based lessons with books and literature that explore themes of kindness, empathy, and social emotional learning.
  • Professional development opportunities: Take advantage of professional development opportunities that provide training and resources for educators on teaching kindness and empathy.


Teaching kindness and empathy in elementary school is crucial for the social and emotional development of our children. Videos can be a powerful tool in promoting these essential skills and helping students understand the importance of kindness and empathy. I encourage you to explore the recommended videos mentioned in this blog post and incorporate them into your social emotional learning curriculum. Together, let’s continue the journey of fostering social emotional learning through videos and create a kinder and more empathetic world.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and access a wide range of videos and resources for teaching kindness and empathy in elementary school.

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