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Building Self-Control: Teaching Kids the Value of Keeping Hands to Self

Building Self-Control: Teaching Kids the Value of Keeping Hands to Self

Building Self-Control: Teaching Kids the Value of Keeping Hands to Self


Self-control is a crucial skill in social emotional development, and as educators and parents, it is our responsibility to teach children the value of keeping hands to themselves. In this lesson on keeping hands to self, we will explore the importance of self-control, discuss personal boundaries and consent, and provide strategies for building self-control in children.

Understanding Self-Control

Self-control can be defined as the ability to regulate one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to achieve desired outcomes. In children, self-control develops gradually over time, with younger children having less developed self-control compared to older children. However, with guidance and practice, children can improve their self-control skills.

Self-control has numerous benefits in various aspects of life. It helps children make better decisions, manage their emotions effectively, and maintain positive relationships with others. By teaching children the value of keeping hands to themselves, we are instilling in them the importance of self-control in their interactions with others.

Teaching Kids the Value of Keeping Hands to Self

Explaining Personal Boundaries and Consent:

Personal boundaries refer to the physical, emotional, and social limits that individuals establish to protect themselves from being violated or manipulated by others. It is crucial for children to understand the concept of personal boundaries and the importance of respecting them.

During the lesson, we can define personal boundaries and provide examples to help children understand what they are and why they are important. We can explain that everyone has the right to decide who can touch them and in what way, and that it is essential to respect others’ boundaries as well.

Teaching the concept of consent is also an integral part of this lesson. Children need to understand that they should seek permission before touching someone else, and that they have the right to say no if they do not want to be touched. By teaching consent, we are empowering children to establish and respect personal boundaries.

Discussing Appropriate and Inappropriate Touch:

It is crucial to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate touch when teaching children about keeping hands to themselves. Appropriate touch refers to touch that is welcomed and consensual, such as a handshake or a friendly hug. Inappropriate touch, on the other hand, refers to touch that makes someone uncomfortable or violates their personal boundaries.

During the lesson, we can provide examples of situations where keeping hands to oneself is crucial, such as not touching someone without their permission, not hitting or pushing others, and not invading someone’s personal space. By discussing these examples, we are helping children understand the importance of respecting personal boundaries and the consequences of inappropriate touch.

Strategies for Building Self-Control:

Building self-control requires practice and consistent reinforcement. Here are some strategies that can be incorporated into the lesson on keeping hands to self:

1. Setting clear expectations and rules: Clearly communicate the expectations regarding keeping hands to oneself and establish rules that promote respectful behavior.

2. Practicing self-regulation techniques: Teach children self-regulation techniques such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break to calm down when they feel the urge to touch someone without permission.

3. Encouraging open communication and problem-solving: Create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns. Teach them problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Implementing the Lesson on Keeping Hands to Self

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment:

Before implementing the lesson, it is essential to establish a safe and inclusive learning environment. This can be achieved by:

1. Establishing trust and rapport with students: Build positive relationships with students based on trust, respect, and empathy. This will create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.

2. Promoting empathy and understanding: Encourage students to understand and empathize with others’ feelings and perspectives. This will foster a sense of compassion and respect for personal boundaries.

Lesson Plan Outline:

1. Introduction and warm-up activity: Begin the lesson by introducing the topic of keeping hands to self and engaging students in a warm-up activity that promotes discussion and critical thinking.

2. Interactive discussion on personal boundaries and consent: Facilitate a group discussion where students can share their understanding of personal boundaries and consent. Provide examples and encourage students to ask questions.

3. Role-playing scenarios to reinforce understanding: Divide students into pairs or small groups and provide them with scenarios related to personal boundaries and consent. Have them act out the scenarios and discuss the appropriate responses.

4. Guided practice and reinforcement activities: Engage students in activities that require them to apply their understanding of personal boundaries and consent. This can include worksheets, games, or role-plays.

5. Reflection and closure: Conclude the lesson by asking students to reflect on what they have learned and how they can apply it in their daily lives. Provide an opportunity for students to ask any remaining questions or share their thoughts.

Supporting Self-Control Development at Home

Collaboration between educators and parents is crucial in reinforcing the lesson on keeping hands to self. Here are some strategies for parents to support self-control development at home:

1. Open communication and active listening: Create a safe space at home where children feel comfortable discussing their feelings and concerns. Practice active listening to understand their perspective and provide guidance when needed.

2. Consistent reinforcement of personal boundaries: Remind children about the importance of respecting personal boundaries and reinforce the lesson by setting clear expectations and consequences for inappropriate behavior.

3. Modeling self-control and respectful behavior: Children learn by observing their parents’ behavior. Model self-control and respectful behavior in your interactions with others, and explain to your child why certain behaviors are not appropriate.


Teaching self-control, including the lesson on keeping hands to self, is essential for children’s social emotional development. By understanding personal boundaries, discussing appropriate and inappropriate touch, and implementing strategies for building self-control, we can empower children to navigate their interactions with others in a respectful and responsible manner.

As educators and parents, let’s prioritize social emotional learning and equip children with the skills they need to thrive in their personal and social lives. Start your EverydaySpeech free trial today and access a wide range of resources to support social emotional learning in your classroom or home.

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