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[SCENE 1 – students working individually at their desks]
Jake: (looks perplexed, raises hand)
Teacher: (approaches Jake) Yes, Jake?
Jake: Can you help me with something please?
Teacher: Sure. Which part are you having trouble with?
Jake: I don’t understand what no. 9 is asking for.
Jake: (voice over) When I’m having trouble with my work, I ask my teacher for help.
[SCENE 1 – replay]
Jake: (looks perplexed, raises hand)
Teacher: (approaches Jake) Yes, Jake?
Jake: Can you help me with something please?
Teacher: Sure. Which part are you having trouble with?
Jake: I don’t understand what no. 9 is asking for.
Narrator: If you are having trouble with your work, you can ask your teacher for help.
[SCENE 1 – replay]
Jake: (looks perplexed, raises hand)
Teacher: (approaches Jake) Yes, Jake?
Jake: Can you help me with something please?
Teacher: Sure. Which part are you having trouble with?
Narrator: And tell them what you need help with.
Jake: I don’t understand what no. 9 is asking for.
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