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No-Prep Activity

Teaching Kindergarten Students Bathroom Etiquette and Polite Communication

Teaching Kindergarten Students Bathroom Etiquette and Polite Communication


As educators, one of the essential skills we need to impart to kindergarten students is proper bathroom etiquette and polite communication. This not only helps maintain a structured and organized classroom environment but also promotes social-emotional learning. In this blog post, we will discuss an engaging no-prep activity, discussion questions, and related skills to help teach students how to ask to use the bathroom in a respectful and considerate manner.

No-Prep Activity: Role-Playing Bathroom Etiquette

This activity requires no preparation or materials, making it easy to implement in any classroom setting. To begin, gather your students in a circle and explain the importance of asking to use the bathroom and walking quietly in the halls. Then, assign roles to different students, such as the teacher and the student who needs to use the bathroom. Have the “student” practice asking the “teacher” for permission to use the bathroom by saying, “Excuse me? May I go to the bathroom?” The “teacher” should respond with either “Yes” or “Not right now, please wait a few minutes.”

After the role-playing activity, encourage other students to take turns practicing the same scenario. This will help reinforce the concept of polite communication and proper bathroom etiquette. As a bonus, this activity also allows students to practice their listening and speaking skills.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important to ask for permission to use the bathroom?
  2. What are some polite ways to ask for permission to use the bathroom?
  3. How should we walk in the hallways when going to and from the bathroom?
  4. What should we do if the teacher says we need to wait before going to the bathroom?
  5. Why is it important to be quiet and respectful in the hallways?

Related Skills

Teaching students how to ask for permission to use the bathroom and walk quietly in the hallways helps develop several related skills, such as:

  • Polite communication: Learning to ask for permission and express needs in a respectful manner helps students develop the ability to interact with others in a positive way.
  • Self-regulation: Understanding when it is appropriate to use the bathroom and wait for permission supports the development of self-regulation skills.
  • Empathy: Being aware of the need to be quiet and respectful in shared spaces encourages students to consider the feelings and needs of others.
  • Active listening: Role-playing and engaging in discussions around bathroom etiquette and polite communication helps students practice active listening skills.

Next Steps

If you found this activity and information helpful, we encourage you to explore more resources for teaching social-emotional learning skills in your classroom. To get started, sign up for free samples of our skill-based materials and discover new ways to engage your students in developing essential life skills.

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