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No-Prep Activity

Teaching Good Hygiene: A Guide for Middle School Educators

Teaching Good Hygiene: A Guide for Middle School Educators


Good hygiene is an essential life skill that impacts a person’s health and social interactions. For middle school students, understanding and practicing good hygiene is particularly important as they navigate a crucial stage of personal development. By incorporating principles of Social-Emotional Learning, educators can help students develop healthy habits and foster positive relationships with their peers. This blog post will explore a no-prep activity to teach good hygiene, provide thought-provoking discussion questions, and suggest related skills for students to practice.

No-Prep Activity: Hygiene Charades

This activity requires no preparation or materials and can be conducted in a classroom setting. Divide the students into small groups of 4-5 members. Each group will take turns acting out various hygiene-related scenarios, while the other groups try to guess the hygiene practice being portrayed. To ensure a diverse range of scenarios, you can write down different hygiene practices on slips of paper and have students draw them at random. Examples of hygiene practices include washing hands, brushing teeth, or using deodorant. This activity not only teaches students about good hygiene but also encourages teamwork and communication.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it essential to practice good hygiene every day, even if you don’t feel like you need to?
  2. How does maintaining good hygiene affect our relationships with others?
  3. What are some challenges you might face in maintaining good hygiene, and how can you overcome them?
  4. How can you support your friends or classmates in developing good hygiene habits?
  5. Can you think of any situations where good hygiene is especially important? Why?

Related Skills

Besides good hygiene, there are other essential life skills that middle school students can benefit from learning. Some of these skills include:

  • Time Management: Learning to manage time effectively can help students establish routines for hygiene practices, such as showering and brushing their teeth.
  • Self-Awareness: Being aware of one’s body and personal needs can help students recognize when they need to attend to their hygiene.
  • Empathy: Understanding how good hygiene can impact others can encourage students to maintain their cleanliness.
  • Responsibility: Taking responsibility for one’s hygiene is a crucial aspect of personal growth and self-care.

Next Steps

Now that you have learned about the importance of teaching good hygiene to middle school students and have been introduced to a fun, no-prep activity, it’s time to explore more resources to support your students’ growth. Sign up for free samples of skill-building materials, including lessons on good hygiene and other essential life skills, at Everyday Speech. These resources will help you create a comprehensive curriculum that fosters the social-emotional well-being of your students.

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