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No-Prep Activity

Nurturing an Open Mind in PreK Students: Embracing Change and Growth

Nurturing an Open Mind in PreK Students: Embracing Change and Growth


Change is a natural part of life, especially in an ever-evolving educational environment. There are constant shifts in schedules, activities, and even teachers. One day, students might be using iPads, the next, they’re writing on the whiteboard. Despite these unpredictable changes, there’s a valuable skill that can help students navigate this fluid landscape: maintaining an Open Mind. An Open Mind encourages adaptability and growth, guiding students to try new things without fear. This attitude plays a vital role in Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), promoting a sense of security and confidence among students as they engage with the world around them.

No-Prep Activity

To foster an Open Mind in your students, let’s do a simple, no-prep activity: The “Change Game”. Have the students stand in a circle and assign one student to initiate a movement – for example, hopping on one foot. The rest of the class follows. After a minute or so, another student gets to change the movement. This could be clapping hands, jumping, or twirling. The objective is for the students to adapt to the new movement promptly, symbolizing the acceptance of change. Remember, this activity requires no preparation or materials – it’s a spontaneous and fun way to instill adaptability!

Discussion Questions

  1. How did you feel when the movement changed in our game?
  2. What does it mean to have an Open Mind?
  3. Why is it important to try new things?
  4. Can you share a time when you had to use your Open Mind to accept a change?
  5. How does using an Open Mind help you feel less worried or upset about changes?

Related Skills

Developing an Open Mind is just one aspect of SEL. Other complementary skills include resilience, empathy, and self-regulation. Resilience helps students recover quickly from difficulties; empathy helps them understand and share the feelings of others; and self-regulation, which helps them control their behavior and emotions. These skills, along with an Open Mind, are instrumental in fostering a well-rounded individual capable of handling life’s uncertainties with grace.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve learned about the importance of nurturing an Open Mind in your students, you might be interested in exploring more SEL skills. By doing so, you can help your students become more well-rounded individuals who are capable of effectively handling changes. As an educator, you’re always looking for innovative ways to enhance your teaching strategies and support your students’ growth. Sign up for free samples at Everyday Speech. Here, you can access a variety of skill-specific materials and resources that will empower you to continue cultivating a positive learning environment for your students.

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